1. | Kronenberger, Vincent (ed.) : The European Union and the international legal order, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The European Union and the international legal order : discord or harmony? / Kronenberger, Vincent (ed.), xvi, 640 p.. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001. ISBN 90-6704-129-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Foreword, by Paul J.G. Kapteyn. Introduction, by Vincent Kronenberger. PART ONE: The European Union and International Law:. 1. Nanette A.E.M. Neuwahl: Legal Personality of the European Union – International and institutional aspects. 2. Michael Hofstötter: Suspension of Rights by International Organisations – The European Union, the European Communities and other international organisations. 3. Allan Rosas: The European Union and International Human Rights Instruments. 4. Jörg Polakiewicz: Relationship Between the European Convention on Human Rights and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – Some proposals for a coherent system of human rights protection in Europe. PART TWO: The European Communities and the International Legal Order:. 5. Andrea Ott: Thirty Years of Case-law by the European Court of Justice on International Law – A pragmatic approach towards its integration. 6. Bernd Martenczuk: Decisions of Bodies Established by International Agreements and the Community Legal Order. 7. Ramon Torrent: Individual Third Countries, Member States, the European Community and the world at large – How do they fit together? A very general reflection of a very particular case: Andorra. 8. Wybe Th. Douma: How Safe is Safe? The EU, the USA and the WTO Codex Alimentarius Debate on Food Safety Issues. 9. Mariëlle D. Matthee: Regulating Scientific Expertise with Regard to Risks Deriving from Genetically Modified Organisms – Procedural rules on Risk Assessment Committees under European Community and International Law. 10. Muriel Échégut-Vigroux: The International Government Procurement Agreement and the EC Legal Order. 11. Raimund Raith: The European Community, the WTO-TRIPs Agreement and the WIPO Conventions. 12. Geert A. Zonnekeyn: EC Liability for Non-implementation of Adopted WTO Panels and Appellate Body Reports – The example of the ‘innocent exporters’ in the banana case. 13. Ingrid Nitsche: Extraterritoriality and International Co-operation – The state of play in EC-USA relations in competition matters. 14. Barbara Jésus-Gimeno: International and Community Obligations of the Member States in the Field of Social Security Schemes – Which impact for migrant workers?. 15. Monica den Boer and Gilles de Kerchove: A Hurdled Admission: the Integration of Candidate Countries into the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. PART THREE: Common Foreign and Security Policy and the International Legal Order:. 16. Stephan Marquardt: The Conclusion of International Agreements Under Article 24 of the Treaty on European Union. 17. Vincent Kronenberger: Common Foreign and Security Policy – International Law aspects of the Association of Third States with the common positions of the Council of the European Union. 18. Jan Wouters: The European Union as an Actor Within the United Nations General Assembly. 19. Ramses A. Wessel: The EU as a Black Widow: Devouring the WEU to Give Birth to a European Security and Defence Policy. 20. Panos Koutrakos: Inter-pillar Approaches to the European Security and Defence Policy – The economic aspects of security. 21. Richard Desgagné: European Union Practice in the Field of International Humanitarian Law – An overview. PART FOUR: Justice and Home Affairs, Police and Judicial Co-operation in criminal matters and the International Legal Order:. 22. Conny Rijken and Vincent Kronenberger: The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime and the European Union. 23. Meri Rantala: A Treaty Labyrinth of Legal Co-operation in Criminal Matters – Can Europe find Ariadne’s thread?. 24. Carlos Gimeno Verdejo: International Conventions and EU Law on the Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Goods – Complementarity and conflicts. 25. Conny Rijken: Legal and Technical Aspects of Co-operation Between EUROPOL, Third States and INTERPOL. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEC; TEU; ECHR; ESC; ICCPR; CEDAW; UN charter; EU charter of fundamental rights; Cartagena protocol on biosafety to the convention on biological diversity; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
2. | Roggemann, Herwig (ed.) : National security and international criminal justice, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph National security and international criminal justice / Roggemann, Herwig (ed.) ; Sarcevic, Petar, ix, 230 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. ISBN 90-411-1816-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. National Security and Protection of the State in National and International Criminal Procedure: Systematic and Comparative Aspects, by H. Roggemann. 2. Official Privileges: State Security and the Right to a Fair Trial in the USE, by S.C. Thaman. 3. Testimonial Evidence in Criminal Trials Excluded for Reasons of National Security, Affairs of State and Public Interest under Croatian Criminal Procedural Law, by D. Krapac. 4. Security Interests of the Community of States, Basis and Justification of an International Criminal Jurisdiction versus `Protection of National Security Information', Article 72 Rome Statute, by O. Triffterer. 5. `The Dangers of the Politicisation of International Justice' Or Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies? by J. laughland. 6. National State and International Criminal Justice-How Much Sovereignty Has to be Transferred? by N. Gillhoff. 7. National Security Interests and the Rights of the Accused, by W.A. Schabas. 8. Protection of National Security Information in the ICC: A Guide to Article 72 of the Rome Statute, by H.-J. Behrens. 9. State Security Obtaining Evidence Independent by the Defense, by A. Klip. 10. The Legal Road to the Resolution of Conflict of Interests Between the ICTY and States: the Example of Croatia, by I. Josipovic. 11. The Power of International Criminal Tribunals to Produce Evidence, by M. Neuner. 12. State Security Interests in the French Extradition Procedure, by G. Haas. 13. The National State Security Exception Clause of Article 55 of the Schengen II Convention and Article 2 of the EC Convention on Double Jeopardy, by L. Hein. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Europan convention on extradition; European convention on the suppression of terrorism; The statute of the ICC; |
3. | Guild, Elspeth (ed.) : Security versus justice?, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Security versus justice? : police and judicial cooperation in the European Union / Guild, Elspeth (ed.) ; Geyer, Florian, xvi, 336 p.. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2008. ISBN 978-0-7546-7359-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents: Introduction: the search for EU criminal law – where is it headed?, by Elspeth Guild and Florian Geyer. ACTORS:. 2. Security, freedom and accountability: Europol and Frontex, by Sonja Puntscher Riekmann. 3. Eurojust – a cornerstone of the federal criminal justice system in the EU?, by Jirí Vlastník. 4. The 3rd pillar and the Court of Justice: a 'praetorian communitarization' of police and judicial cooperation criminal matters?, by Eulalia Sanfrutos Cano. 5. EU member states' complicity in extraordinary renditions, by Judit Tóth. CONCEPTS AND INSTRUMENTS:. 6. EU police cooperation: national sovereignty framed by European security?,by Didier Bigo. 7. Too different to trust? First experiences with the application of the European arrest warrant, by Julia Sievers. 8. Reflexive governance and the EU 3rd pillar: analysis of data protection and criminal law aspects, by Gloria González Fuster and Pieter Paepe. LAW AND POLICY: 9. The competence question: the European Community and criminal law, by Valsamis Mitsilegas. 10. The proposal for a council framework decision on certain procedural rights in criminal proceedings throughout the European Union, by Mar Jimeno-Bulnes. 11. The 'Prüm Process': the way forward for EU police cooperation and data exchange?, by Rocco Bellanova. PRACTICE - ACHIEVEMENTS AND OBSTACLES:. 12. Policing a European border region: the case of the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion, by Toine Spapens. 13. Uniforms without uniformity: a critical look at European standards in policing, by Peter Hobbing. 14. Third pillar developments from a practitioner's perspective, by Richard Lang. 15. The EU counter-terrorism strategy and human rights in Central Asia: do as I say not as I do?, by Susie Alegre. A POSSIBLE FUTURE:. 16. The Reform Treaty and justice and home affairs: implications for the common area of freedom, security and justice, by Sergio Carrera and Florian Geyer. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Austria / Belgium / Bulgaria / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark / Finland / France / germany / Greece / Hungary / Iceland / Ireland / Italy / Japan / Latvia / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Malta / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Russian Federation / Slovak Republic / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Turkey / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ICCPR; TEU; Schengen agreement; ToA; EU constitution; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.ashgate.com/default.aspx?page=637&calcTitle=1&title_id=10006&edition_id=11243 |
4. | Bogdandy, Armin von ... [et al.] : The exercise of public authority by international institutions, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The exercise of public authority by international institutions : advancing international institutional law / Bogdandy, Armin von ... [et al.] - (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht ; Bd. 210), xiii, 1005 p. . - Heidelberg : Springer, 2010. - ISSN 0172-4770 ISBN 978-3-642-04530-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. I. CONCEPT:. 1. Armin von Bogdandy, Philipp Dann & Matthias Goldmann: Developing the Publicness of Public International Law: Towards a Legal Framework for Global Governance Activities. 2. Comment by Stefan Kadelbach: From Public International Law to International Public Law: A Comment on the “Public Authority” of International Institutions and the “Publicness” of their Law. 3. Comment by Stephan Leibfried: To Tame and to Frame. 4. Ingo Venzke: International Bureaucracies from a Political Science Perspective – Agency, Authority and International Institutional Law. II. THEMATIC STUDIES:. 1. The Exercise of Public Authority through Instruments Concerning Individuals:. 1.1 Decisions:. 1. Clemens A. Feinäugle: The UN Security Council Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee: Emerging Principles of International Institutional Law for the Protection of Individuals?. 2. Karen Kaiser: WIPO’s International Registration of Trademarks: An International Administrative Act Subject to Examination by the Designated Contracting Parties. 3. Maja Smrkolj: International Institutions and Individualized Decision-Making: An Example of UNHCR’s Refugee Status Determination. 1.2 Recommendations:. 1. Gefion Schuler: Effective Governance through Decentralized Soft Implementation: The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. 1.3 Information:. 1. Bettina Schöndorf-Haubold: The Administration of Information in International Administrative Law – The Example of Interpol. 2. The Exercise of Public Authority through Instruments Concerning Individual States:. 2.1 Decisions:. 1. Petra Lea Láncos: Flexibility and Legitimacy - The Emissions Trading System under the Kyoto Protocol. 2. Diana Zacharias: The UNESCO Regime for the Protection of World Heritage as Prototype of an Autonomy-Gaining International Institution. 3. Comment by Ute Mager:. The UNESCO Regime for the Protection of World Heritage. 2.2 Recommendations:. 1. Anuscheh Farahat: Regulating Minority Issues through Standard-Setting and Mediation: The Case of the High Commissioner on National Minorities. 2.3 Information:. 1. Erika de Wet: Governance through Promotion and Persuasion: The 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. 2. Joseph Windsor: The WTO Committee on Trade in Financial Services: The Exercise of Public Authority within an Informational Forum. 3. The Exercise of Public Authority through General Instruments:. 3.1 Secondary Law:. 1. Isabel Feichtner: The Administration of the Vocabulary of International Trade: The Adaptation of WTO Schedules to Changes in the Harmonized System. 2. Christine Fuchs: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) – Conservation Efforts Undermine the Legality Principle. 3.2 International Public Standards:. 1. Jürgen Friedrich: Legal Challenges of Non-binding Instruments: The Case of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. 2. Ravi Afonso Pereira: Why Would International Administrative Activity Be Any Less Legitimate? – A Study of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. 4. Public Authority through Private Law Instruments?. 1. Matthias Hartwig: ICANN – Governance by Technical Necessity. 2. Steven Less:. International Administration of Holocaust Compensation: The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC). III. CROSS-CUTTING ANALYSIS:. 1. Matthias Goldmann: Inside Relative Normativity: From Sources to Standard Instruments for the Exercise of International Public Authority. 2. Comment by Jan Klabbers: Goldmann Variations. 3. Armin von Bogdandy: General Principles of International Public Authority: Sketching a Research Field. 4. Comment by Sabino Cassese: Is There a Global Administrative Law?. 5. Jochen von Bernstorff: Procedures of Decision-Making and the Role of Law in International Organizations. 6. Comment by Christian Tietje: The Contributions by Jochen von Bernstorff and by Maja Smrkolj. 7. Volker Röben: The Enforcement Authority of International Institutions. 8. Comment by Dirk Hanschel: The Enforcement Authority of International Institutions – Some Remarks and Suggestions for Further Analysis. 9. Erika de Wet: Holding International Institutions Accountable: The Complementary Role of Non-Judicial Oversight Mechanisms and Judicial Review. 10. Armin von Bogdandy & Philipp Dann: International Composite Administration: Conceptualizing Multi-Level and Network Aspects in the Exercise of International Public Authority. 11. Comment by Ute Mager: International Composite Administration. 12. Rüdiger Wolfrum: Legitimacy of International Law and the Exercise of Administrative Functions: The Example of the International Seabed Authority, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Fisheries Organizations. IV. CONTEXT:. 1. Eberhard Schmidt-Aßmann: The Internationalization of Administrative Relations as a Challenge for Administrative Law Scholarship. 2. Giacinto della Cananea: Procedural Due Process of Law Beyond the State. List of Contributors. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UN charter-chap. VII; Refugee convention; Framework convention on climate change; Kyoto protocol; World heritage convention; ICCPR; ICESCR; ECHR; CRC; EU charter of fundamental rights;
URL http://www.springer.com/law/international/book/978-3-642-04530-1 |
5. | Trapp, Kimberley N. : State responsibility for international terrorism, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph State responsibility for international terrorism / Trapp, Kimberley N. - ( Oxford monographs in international law), xvii, 295 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P. , 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-959299-9 ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. The prohibition of state terrorism and questions of attribution. 3. Obligations to prevent and punish acts of international terrorism. 4. The ICJ’s jurisdiction over disputes relating to state responsibility for international terrorism. 5. Measures adopted in response to international terrorism. 6. The relationship between individual criminal responsibility and state responsibility in the terrorism context. 7. Conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Colombia / Denmark / France / Germany / India / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Kenya / Lebanon / Libya / New Zealand / North Korea / Norway / Pakistan / Palestine / Russian Federation / Tanzania / Turkey / USA / USSR NOTE (GENERAL): Declaration on friendly relations; UN charter; Bonn declaration; CAT; Geneva conventions; ICCPR; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations-OP; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; ICC statute; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; Vienna convention on the law of treaties;
URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199592999.do?keyword=trapp&sortby=pubDateDescend |