1. | Ippolito, Francesca (ed.) : Protecting vulnerable groups, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Protecting vulnerable groups : the European human rights framework / Ippolito, Francesca (ed.) ; Iglesias Sanchez, Sara (ed.), xii, 481 p. - Oxford : Hart, 2015. ISBN 978-1-84946-685-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Fransesca Ippolito and Sara Iglesias Sanchez: Introduction. 2. Francesca Ippolito: (De)constructing children's vulnerability under European law. 3. Francesco Seatzu: Reshaping EU old age law in the light of the normative standards in international human rights law in relation to older persons. 4. Anja Wiesbrock: Disability as a form of vulnerability under EU and CoE law: embracing the 'social model'?. 5. Francette Fines: European protection of women. 6. Olivier Dubos and Victor Guset: European law and regional or minority languages: cultural diversity and the fight against linguistic vulnerability. 7. Tawhida Ahmed: The many vulnerabilities of the Roma and the European legal framework. 8. Julinda Beqiraj: Indigenous peoples' cultural identity under EU law and the ECHR: a non-trade interest or a human right?. 9. Erica Howard: The protection of religious minorities in Europe: strengths and weaknesses. 10. Peggy Ducoulombier: The protection of sexual minorities in European law. 11. Caroline Sawyer: The unexpected precariat. 12. Ulrike Brandl and Philip Czech: General and specific vulnerability of protection-seekers in the EU: is there an adequate response to their needs?. 13. Catherine-Amélie Chassin: Dealing with international vulnerability: European law and climate-induced migrants. 14. Alessandra Lang: The protection of vulnerable people and the free movement of persons within the European Union: two worlds apart?. 15. Valsamis Mitsilegas: The place of the victim in Europe's area of criminal justice. 16. Jessica Almqvist: Responding to the plight of victims of terrorism: European approaches and dilemmas. 17. Jacobo Rios Rodriguez: Victims of trafficking and smuggling of migrants in international and European law. 18. Steve Foster: The effective supervision of European prison conditions. 19. Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer: The ultimate social (or is it economic?) vulnerability: poverty in European law. 20. Sara Iglesias Sanchez: Irregular migrants in Europe: deprivation of status as a type of state-imposed vulnerability. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; TFEU; European charter for regional or minority languages; EU charter of fundamental rights |
2. | João Guia, Maria (ed.) : Immigration detention, risk and human rights, 2016 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Immigration detention, risk and human rights : studies on immigration and crime / João Guia, Maria (ed.) ; Koulish, Robert (ed.) ; Mitsilegas, Valsamis (ed.), xvii, 293 p.. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-24688-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Robert Koulish: Sovereign bias, crimmigration and risk. 2. Michael Flynn: Sovereign discomfort: can liberal norms lead to increasing immigration detention?. 3. Valsamis Mitsilegas: Immigration detention, risk and human rights in the law of the European Union: lessons from the Returns Directive. 4. Marloes Anne Vrolijk: Immigration detention and non-removability before the European Court of Human Rights. 5. Galina Cornelisse: Immigration detention: an instrument in the fight against illegal immigration or a tool for its management?. 6. Dr. Charles Gosme: Trapped between administrative detention, imprisonment, and freedom-in-limbo. 7. Larissa Leite: Immunity from criminal prosecution and consular assistance to the foreign detainee according the international human rights law. 8. Elspeth Guild: Understanding immigration detention in the UK and Europe. 9. Mary Boswoth, Andriani Fili and Sharon Pickering: Women's immigration detention in Greece: gender, control and capacity. 10.Steven De Ridder and Maartje van der Woude: Changing practices regarding the implementation of entry bans in Belgian migration policy since 1980. 11. José Angel Brandariz Garcia: Crimmigation politics and the great recession: analysis of the Spanish case. 12. Katia Cardoso: "Immigrants as detainees": some reflections based on abyssal thinking and other critical approaches. 13. Mark Noferi: Mandatory immigration detention for U.S. crimes: the noncitizen presumption of dangerousness. 14. Christina M. Fialho: Let us in: an argument for the right to visitation in U.S. immigration detention. 15. Gabriel Haddad Teixeira: Who wants to go to Arizona? A brief survey of ciminalization of immigration law in the U.S. context. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Belgium / Brazil / Greece / Spain / United Kingdom / United States |
3. | Haeck, Yves (ed.) : The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Inter-American Court of Human Rights : theory and practice, present and future / Haeck, Yves (ed.) ; Ruiz-Chiriboga, Oswaldo (ed.) ; Burbano-Herrera, Clara (ed.), xxxii, 832 p. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2015. ISBN 978-1-78068-308-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Marijke De Pauw: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the interpretive method of external referencing: regional consensus v. universality. 2. Álvaro Paúl: An overview of the Inter-American Court's evaluation of evidence. 3. Geneviève Säuberli: Revision procedures: revisiting the case of Mapiripán Massacre v. Colombia. 4. Diana Contreras-Garduño, Kristin Xueqin Wu and Leo Zwaak: Who pays the bill? Possibilities and limitations of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Legal Assistance Fund. 5. Francisco J. Rivera Juaristi: The amicus curiae in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (1982-2013). 6. Oswaldo R. Ruiz-Chiriboga: Defining the scope of the provisions against the use of illegitimate coerced statements in the inter-American system. 7. Kresimir Kamber: Medical negligence and international human rights adjudication: procedural obligations in medical negligence cases under the American Convention on Human Righs and the European Convention on Human Rights. 8. Juana Maria Ibáñez Rivas: Use of force: requirements, limitations and pending challenges from the perspective of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 9. Aziz Tuffi Saliba and Tainá Garcia Maja: Judicial protection of states of emergency: an analysis of the amplitude of judicial protection of fundamental rights during the application of derogations. 10. Scott McKenzie: Yakye Axa v. Paraguay: upholding and framing the human right to water. 11. Thomas Antkowiak: Social, economic, and cultural rights: the Inter-American Court at a crossroads. 12. Manuel E. Ventura Robles: Impact of the reparations ordered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and contributions to the justiciable nature of economic, social and cultural rights. 13. Gina Donoso: Sacred fire as healing: psychosocial rehabilitation and indigenous peoples in the Inter-American Court's judgments. 14. Agostina N. Cichero and Sebastián A. Green Martínez: Punitive damages and the principle of full reparation in the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 15. Clara Burbano Herrera: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and its role in preventing violations of human rights through provisional measures. 16. Gabriella Citroni: The contribution of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and other international human rights bodies to the struggle against enforced disappearances. 17. Jeffrey Davis and Micaela Perez Ferrero: Building truth and moving justice: the Inter-American Court and the forcible disappearance of children. 18. Frédéric Mégret and Jean-Paul S. Calderón: The move towards a victim-centred concept of criminal law and the "criminalization" of the inter-American human rights law: a case of human rights law devouring itself?. 19. Patricio Galella: Amnesty laws in the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 20. Nikolas Kyriakou: Rights cast into oblivion? Amnesties in the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 21. Monica Yriart: Jurisprudence in a political vortex: the right of indigenous peoples to give or withhold consent to investment and development projects - the implementation of Saramaka v. Suriname. 22. Valeska David and Julie Fraser: Juvenile criminal justice before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: aims and limitations of the imprisonment of children. 23. Geneviève Säuberli: The case of the Kichwa Peoples of the Sarayaku v. Ecuador: constructing a right to consultation and to cultural identity?. 24. Salvatore Fabio Nicolosi: The treatment of irregular migrants in the inter-American human rights and European Union case law: two parallel lines may even meet. 25. Elena Falletti: Sexual orientation and parenthood: a comparative analysis of the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. 26. Clara O'Connell: What a "private life" means for women. 27. Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen: Chronicle of a fashionable theory in Latin America: decoding the doctrinal discourse on conventionality control. 28. Eric Tardif: The Radilla-Pacheco v. Mexico case: a paradigmatical shift towards conventionality control in Mexico. 29. Paola Andrea Acosta Alvarado: The Latin American judicial dialogue: a two-way street towards effective protection. 30. Rosmerlin Estupiñan-Silva: The Inter-American Court and the International Criminal Court: transjudicial communication, boundaries and opportunities. 31. Cristiana Domínguez: Inter-American Court of Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights: from observation to interaction on human rights. 32. Martin Nicolás Montoya Céspedes: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights' positive obligations doctrine: between unidirectional influence and judicial dialogue. 33. Claudia Martin and Diego Rodrígues-Pinzón: Strengthening or straining the inter-American system on human rights. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ACHR; ECHR; Protocol of San Salvador |
4. | Mitsilegas, Valsamis (ed.) : Research handbook on EU criminal law, 2016 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Research handbook on EU criminal law / Mitsilegas, Valsamis (ed.) ; Bergström, Maria (ed.) ; Konstadinides, Theodore (ed.), xxxvi, 621 p. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-1-78347-330-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Koen Lenaerts and José A. Gutiérrez-Fons: The European Court of Justice and fundamental rights in the field of criminal law. 2. Henri Labayle: The institutional framework. 3. Rosaria Sicurella: EU competence in criminal matters. 4. Maria Fletcher: EU criminal law flexibility: what lessons from the UK Protocol No. 36 saga?. 5. Paul De Hert: EU criminal law and fundamental rights. 6. Alexandros Kargopoulos: Fundamental rights, national identity and EU criminal law. 7. Valsamis Mitsilegas: Mutual recognition, mutual trust and fundamental rights after Lisbon. 8. Jacqueline Hodgson: Criminal procedure in Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: the rights of the suspect. 9. Anne Weyembergh and Ines Armada: The principle of ne bis in idem in Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. 10. Luisa Marin: The fate of the Data Retention Directive: about mass surveillance and fundamental rights in the EU legal order. 11. Ester Herlin-Karnell: Is administrative law still relevant? How the battle of sanctions has shaped EU criminal law. 12. Christopher Harding: The relationship between EU criminal law and competition law. 13. Valsamis Mitsilegas, Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Elena Fasoli: The relationship between EU criminal law and environmental law. 14. Niovi Vavoula: The interplay between EU immigration law and national criminal law: the case of the Return Directive. 15. Petter Asp: European criminal law and national criminal law. 16. Maria Bergström: Money laundering. 17. Saskia Hufnagel: Organized crime. 18. Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi: Punishing corruption in the public and the private sector: key issues on current EU policy and rule-of-law challenge. 19. Francesca Galli: Terrorism. 20. Tom Obokata: Evolution of the EU action against trafficking of human beings. 21. Michèle Coninsx: Eurojust. 22. Sabina Gless: Europol. 23. Katalin Ligeti: The European Public Prosecutor's Office. 24. Adam Lazowski: EU criminal law and EU enlargement. 25. Elaine Fahey: Transatlantic cooperation in criminal law. 26. Iain Cameron: EU anti-terrorism sanctions. 27. Theodore Konstadinides: EU law and international cooperation in criminal matters: a tale of legal competence and political competency. 28. Pedro Caeiro: The relationship between European and international criminal law (and the absent(?), third). INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TFEU: Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: Inst.ref. |
5. | Gallagher, Anne T. : International law of migrant smuggling, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law of migrant smuggling / Gallagher, Anne T. ; David, Fiona, 783 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-316-50748-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. General legal framework. 2. The legal framework: human rights and refugee law. 3. Acting against migrant smuggling: capacities and limitations. 4. State responsibility and migrant smuggling. 5. Criminalization of migrant smuggling. 6. Migrant smuggling by sea: interdiction and rescue. 7. Prevention and international cooperation to combat migrant smuggling. 8. Obligations of protection, assistance and response. 9. Obligations relating to detention of smuggled migrants. 10. Return of smuggled migrants. INDEX WORDS:
6. | Moreno-Lax, Violeta (ed.) : 'Boat refugees' and migrants at sea, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph 'Boat refugees' and migrants at sea : a comprehensive approach / Moreno-Lax, Violeta (ed.) ; Papastavridis, Efthymios (ed.), 461 p. - Leiden : Brill, 2017. ISBN 978-90-04-30074-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Violeta Moreno-Lax and Efthymios Papastavridis: Introduction: tracing the bases of an integrated paradigm for maritime security and human rights at sea. 1. Guy S. Goodwin-Gill: Setting the scene: refugees, asylum seekers and migrants at sea: the need for a long-term, protection-centred vision. 2. Natalie Klein: A maritime security framework for the legal dimensions of irregular migration at sea. 3. Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen: The perfect storm: sovereignty games and the law and politics of boat migration. 4. Tamara Last: Who is the 'boat migrant'? Challenging the anonymity of death by border-sea. 5. Jean-Pierre Gauci and Patricia Mallia: The migrant smuggling protocol and the need for a multi-faceted approach: inter-sectionality and multi-actor cooperation. 6. Tom Obokata: Boat migrants as the victims of human trafficking: exploring key obligations through a human rights based approach. 7. Douglas Guilfoyle: Transnational crime and the rule of law at sea: responses to maritime migration and piracy compared. 8. Jasmine Coppens: Interception of migrant boats at sea. 9. Lisa-Marie Komp: The duty to assist persons in distress: an alternative source of protection against the return of migrants and asylum seekers to the high seas?. 10. Mariagiulia Giuffré: Access to asylum at sea? Non-refoulement and a comprehensive approach to extraterritorial human rights obligations. 11. Niels Frenzen: Responses to 'boat migration': a global perspective - US practices. 12. Claire Higgins: The (un-)sustainability of Australia's offshore processing and settlement policy. 13. Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche: Leave and let die: the EU Banopticon approach to migrants at sea. 14. Cristiano D'Orsi, Sergio Carciotto and Corey R. Johnson: Into Africa: 'boat people' in Sub-Saharan Africa. 15. Maïté Fernandez: The EU external borders policy and Frontex-coordinated operations at sea: who is in charge? Reflections of responsibility for wrongful acts. 16. Meltem Ineli-Ciger: An examination of the comprehensive plan of action as a response to mass influx of 'boat people': lessons learnt for a comprehensive approach to migration at sea. Anja Klug: Conclusion: closing remarks: the present and future of 'boat refugees' and migrants at sea. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Australia / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplemeting the UN convention against transnational organized crime (migrant smuggling protocol); UNCLOS |
7. | Menezes Queiroz, Benedita : Illegally staying in the EU, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Illegally staying in the EU : an analysis of illegality in EU migration law / Menezes Queiroz, Benedita, xviii; 207 p. - Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2018. ISBN 978-1-50991-287-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction. 1. 'What part of illegality don't you understand?': illegality in EU migration law. 2. The case of unlawfully-staying EU citizens. 3. Non-removable migrants in the EU. 4. The potential effects of information technology vis-à-vis illegality. 5. Access to legality in the EU: an instrumental or corrective mechanism?. Conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
8. | Kuzelewska, Elzbieta (ed.) : Irregular migration as a challenge for democracy, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Irregular migration as a challenge for democracy / Kuzelewska, Elzbieta (ed.) ; Weatherburn, Amy (ed.) ; Kloza, Dariusz (ed.) - (European integration and democracy series), lvii, 275 p. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78068-622-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I. THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION PROJECT AND IRREGULAR MIGRATION: UPHOLDING FUNDAMENTAL VALUES AND PRINCIPLES. 1. Luigi Lonardo: The 'migrant crisis': member states' or EU's responsibility?. 2. Alberto Miglio: Solidarity in EU asylum and migration law: a crisis management tool or a structural principle?. 3. Graham Butler: EU foreing policy and other EU external relations in times of crisis: forcing the law to overlap?. 4. Maria Cudowska: The migration crisis in Europe: the implications for trade and labour in a globalised context. 5. Timea Drinoczi and Agoston Mohay: Has the migration crisis challenged the concept of the protection of the human rights of migrants? The case of Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary. 6. Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert: European responses to the Mediterranean 'refugee crisis' and the fear of saving lives. PART II. MIGRANTS, THEIR RIGHTS AND THE LIMITS THEREOF. 7. Agnieszka Piekutowska and Elzbieta Kuzelewska: Economic refugees: an analysis of the phenomenon in the context of the EU migration crisis. 8. Chloé Brière: Defining the offence of migrant smuggling: when the migration crisis revives old debates. 9. Sibel Top: The collapse of the political offence exemption in EU extradition law: the end of political asylum?. PART III. THE STATUS QUO OF MIGRATION IN EUROPE: SELECTED NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES. 10. Lino Panzeri: The governance of the migrant crisis in Italy. 11. Magdalena Perkowska: The impact of the migration crisis on Polish immigration and criminal law. 12. Lehte Roots: The role of NGOs as partners in migration management in Estonia: a case study. 13. Halina Sierocka: Linguistic integration of adult migrants in the era of the migration crisis. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Estonia / Hungary / Italy / Poland |