1. | Casey, James : Constitutional law in Ireland, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Constitutional law in Ireland / Casey, James. - 3.ed.., lxx, 733 p.. - Dublin : Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 2000. ISBN 0-421-4405-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): SEA; TEU; ECHR; ECHR-1-6-11; Refugee convention; CRC; ICCPR; Genocide convention; UN charter; UDHR; |
2. | Partington, Martin : Introduction to the English legal system, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Introduction to the English legal system / Partington, Martin, xviii, 268 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-876383-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. In troduction 'Knowledge', Themes, and Structure. Part I: Law, Society, and Authority. 2. Law and Society. 3. Law-Making: Authority and Process. Part II: The Institutional Framework :. 4. Shaping the Institutional Framework. 5. The Criminal Justice System. 6. The Administrative Justice System. 7. The Family Justice System. 8. The Civil and Commercial Justice Systems. Part III: The Delivery and Funding of Legal Services : 9. Delivering Legal Services. 10. The Funding of Legal Services. 11. Conclusion: Is the Legal System Fit for its Purpose? INDEX WORDS:
3. | Darcy, Shane : Collective responsibility and accountability under international law, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Collective responsibility and accountability under international law / Darcy, Shane - (The procedural aspects of international law monograph series ; vol. 27), xxvi, 398 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational Publishers, 2007. ISBN 1-57105-376-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Part A: The Decline of the Concept of Collective Responsibility Under International Humanitarian Law. Introduction: The Legal Regulation of Wartime Conduct. Chapter I. Collective Punishment. Chapter II. Hostage-Taking. Chapter III. Belligerent Reprisals. Part B: Collective Responsibility From the Battlefield to the Courtroom: Liability for the Acts of Others Under International Criminal Law. Introduction: The Birth of International Criminal Justice. Chapter IV. Conspiracy, Common Plan, and Joint Criminal Enterprise Liability. Chapter V. Criminal Organizations. Chapter VI. Superior Responsibility. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Hague conventions, Geneva conventions, Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions, Statute of the ICC |
4. | May, Larry : War crimes and just war, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph War crimes and just war / May, Larry, xi, 343 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U.P. , 2007. ISBN 978-0-521-69153-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Introduction: 1. Justifying war but restricting tactics. Part A. Philosophical Groundings:. 2. Collective responsibility and honor during war; 3. Jus gentium and minimal natural law; 4. Humane treatment as the cornerstone of the rules of war. Part B. Problems in Identifying War Crimes: 5. Killing naked soldiers: combatants and noncombatants; 6. Shooting poisoned arrows: banned and accepted weapons; 7. Torturing prisoners of war: protected and normal soldiers. Part C. Normative Principles: 8. The principle of discrimination or distinction; 9. The principle of necessity; 10. The principle of proportionality. Part D. Prosecuting War Crimes: 11. Prosecuting soldiers for war crimes; 12. Prosecuting military leaders for war crimes; 13. Commanded and commanding defenses; Epilogue and Conclusions: 14. Should terrorists be treated humanely? INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; |
5. | Futamura, Madoka : War crimes tribunals and transitional justice, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph War crimes tribunals and transitional justice : the Tokyo trial and the Nuremberg legacy / Futamura, Madoka - (Contemporary security studies), xii, 213 p.. - New York : Routledge, 2008. ISBN 978-0-415-42673-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Introduction. 1. The International Criminal Tribunals and International Peace and Security: Theory and Practice 2. The Nuremberg Legacy: Ideas and Practices. 3. The Tokyo Trial: An Overview and Purposes of the Trial. 4. The Japanese Perception of the Tokyo Trial: 1946-2003. 5. The Tokyo Trial and the Historical Record of the War. 6. The Tokyo Trial and Individualisation of Responsibility. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: East Timor / Japan / Germany / Sierra leone / USA NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; UN charter; Nuremberg charter; |
6. | Wilt, Harmen van der (ed.) : System criminality in international law, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph System criminality in international law / Wilt, Harmen van der (ed.) ; Nollkaemper, André ; Dolman, Menno (assistant ed.) ; Kleffner, Jann (assistant ed.), xxxv, 364 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2009. ISBN 978-0-521-76356-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Introduction, by A. Nollkaemper. 2. The policy context of international crimes, by H. C. Kelman. 3. Why organizations kill – and get away with it: the failure of law to cope with crime in organizations, by M. Punch. 4. Men and abstract entities: individual responsibility and collective guilt in international criminal law, by G. Simpson. 5. A historical perspective: from collective to individual responsibility and back, by A. Gattini. 6. Command responsibility and organisationsherrschaft: ways of attributing international crimes to the 'most responsible', by K. Ambos. 7. Joint criminal enterprise and functional perpetration, by H. van der Wilt. 8. System criminality at the ICTY, by E. van Sliedrecht. 9. Criminality of organisations under international law, by N. Jørgensen. 10. Criminality of organisations: lessons from domestic law – a comparative perspective, by A. Eser. 11. The collective accountability of organized armed groups for system crimes, by J. Kleffner. 12. Assumptions and presuppositions: state responsibility for system crimes, by I. Scobbie. 13. State responsibility for international crimes, by A. Zimmermann and M. Teichmann. 14. Responses of political organs to crimes by states, by N. White. 15. Conclusions and outlook, by A. Nollkaemper. and H. van der Wilt. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Argentina / Australia / Chechnya / Chile / Colombia / Congo / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Estonis / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Iceland / India / Iraq / israel / Italy / Japan / Kuwait / Liberia / Libya / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Namibia / Palestine / Paraguay / Poland / Portugal / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Serbia / Sierra leone / Slovakia / Sri Lanka / Uganda / United Kingdom / USA / Venezuela / Viet Nam / Former Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Treaty of Versailles; Hague regulations; IMT charter; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Genocide convention; CERD; ICCPR; ICTR staute; ICTY statute; ICC statute; Convention for the suppression of terrorist bomings; ICC statute; African Union treaty; Convention against transnational organized crime; Convention on state immunity; Potsdam protocol; Nuremberg charter;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521763561 |
7. | Klabbers, Jan ... (editor-in-chief) : Finnish yearbook of international law, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Finnish yearbook of international law : vol. 19, 2008 / Klabbers, Jan ... (editor-in-chief), ix, 449 p.. - Oxford : Hart Publ.; Ius Gentium Association, 2010. - ISSN 0786-6453 ISBN 978-1-84946-041-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Symposium: International Law, the Environment and Power:. 1. Katja Keinänen and Kati Kulovesi: Introduction to the Special Theme: International Law, the Environment and Power. 2. Ellen Hey: Global Environmental Law. 3. Kati Kulovesi: Fragmented Landscapes, Troubled Relationships: The WTO Dispute Settlement System and International Environmental Law. 4. China Miéville: Multilateralism as Terror: International Law, Haiti and Imperialism. 5. Peter H. Sand: ‘Scientific Whaling’: Whither Sanctions for Non-Compliance with International Law?. ARTICLES:. 1. Kirsten J. Fisher: Identifying Liability: Ambiguous Charges in International Criminal Law. 2. Jörg Kammerhofer: Systemic Integration, Legal Theory and the International Law Commission. 3. Marja Lehto: The Crime of Terrorism and the Emerging Framework of International Criminal Law: Reflections on the ‘Hierarchy of Evil’. 4. Hannes Peltonen: Of Rights and Responsibilities: The Right of Humanitarian Intervention. 5. Akbar Rasulov: ‘The Nameless Rapture of the Struggle’: Towards a Marxist Class-Theoretic Approach to International Law. 6.Kaarlo Tuori: The Law’s Farewell to the Nation State?. 7. René Uruena: In the Search of International Homo Economicus: Individual Agency and Rationality in Global Governance. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Framework convention on climate change; Rio declaration; Kyoto protocol; Espoo convention; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ICC statute; UN charter-chap.VII; UDHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; |
8. | Stoitchkova, Desislava : Towards corporate liability in international criminal law, 2010 |
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ICC statute;
URL http://www.intersentia.be/searchDetail.aspx?back=reeks&reeksCode=&bookid=101451 |
9. | Klabbers, Jan (editor-in-Chief) : Finnish yearbook of international law, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Finnish yearbook of international law : vol. 20, 2009 / Klabbers, Jan (editor-in-Chief), ix, 465 p.. - Oxford : Hart, 2011. ISBN 978-1-84946-071-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: GENERAL SECTION:. 1. Martti Koskenniemi: Anniversary Article, FYBIL 20 Years On: The Case for Comparative International Law. 2. Viljam Engström: International Organizations, Constitutionalism and Reform. 3. Pekka Niemelä: The Day in the Life of Responsibility to Protect. 4. Magdalena Kmak: Limits of Sovereignty? – Rethinking the Conflict between Human Rights and Immigration in the European Union. 5. Stiina Löytömäki: The Question of Collective Responsibility of France for Crimes Committed under Vichy. 6. Dimitris Efthymiou: Climate Change, Human Rights and Distributive Justice. 7. Phoebe Okowa: State and Individual Responsibility in International Conflicts: Contours of an Evolving Relationship. 8. Ragnar Nordeide: Fragmentation and the Leeway of the VCLT: Interpreting the ECHR in Light of Other International Law. Special Section: Changing Futures? Science and International Law:. 1. Jan Klabbers: Introduction to Special Theme: Changing Futures? Science and International Law. 2. Allan Rosas: The Death of International Law? 3. Anna Riddel: Scientific Evidence in the International Court of Justice – Problems and Possibilities. 3. Céline Lévesque: Science in the Hands of International Investment Tribunals: A Case for ‘Scientific due Process’. 4. Maria Weimer: Policy Choice versus Science in Regulating Animal Cloning under the WTO Law. 5. Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya: A.S. v. Hungary: A Case-Study in Adjucating Reproductive Health Claims and the Challenges posed by Interpreting Existent Human Rights Treaties. 6. Lisa Clarke: Global Health Public-Private Partnerships: Better Protecting Against Disease but Creating a Gap in Responsibility under International Law. 7. Sophie Gambardella: The Role of Scientific Committees Within Regional Fishing Commissions. 8. Caroline E. Foster: The Consultation of Independent Experts by International Courts and Tribunals in Health and Environment Cases. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; Schengen convention; Dublin convention; Nuremberg charter; ToA; Kyoto protocol; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; |
10. | Tanaka, Yuki (ed.) : Beyond victor's justice, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Beyond victor's justice : the Tokyo war crimes trial revisited / Tanaka, Yuki (ed.) ; McCormack, Tim ; Simpson, Gerry - (International humanitarian law series ; vol. 30), xxxi, 402 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2011. ISBN 978-9004-20303-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART ONE: A RETROPERSPECTIVE:. Chapter 1: The Tokyo Trial: Humanity’s Justice v Victors’ Justice, by Fujita Hisakazu. Chapter 2: Writing the Tokyo Trial, by Gerry Simpson. Chapter 3: Japanese Societal Attitude towards the Tokyo Trial: From a Contemporary Perspective, by Madoka Futamura. PART TWO : THE ACCUSED:. Chapter 4: Selecting Defendants at the Tokyo Trial, by Awaya Kentaro. Chapter 5: The Decision Not to Prosecute the Emperor, by Yoriko Otomo. PART THREE : THE JUDGES:. Chapter 6 : Justice Northcroft (New Zealand), by Ann Trotter. Chapter 7 : Justice Bernard (France), by Mickaël Ho Foui Sang. Chapter 8: Justice Patrick (United Kingdom), by Lord Bonomy. Chapter 9: Justice Roling (The Netherlands), by Robert Cryer. Chapter 10: Justice Pal (India), by Nakajima Takeshi. PART FOUR: THE TRIAL PROCEEDINGS:. Chapter 11: The Case against the Accused, by Yuma Totani. Chapter 12: Command Responsibility for the Failure to Stop Atrocities: The Legacy of the Tokyo Trial, by Gideon Boas. PART FIVE: FORGOTTEN CRIMES : CHINA AND KOREA: Chapter 13: Reasons for the Failure to Prosecute Unit 731 and Its Significance, by Tsuneishi Kei-ichi. Chapter 14: The Legacy of the Tokyo Trial in China, by Bing Bing Jia. Chapter 15: Forgotten Victims, Forgotten Defendants, by The Hon O-Gon Kwon. PART SIX: FORGOTTEN CRIMES: THE COMFORT WOMEN:. Chapter 16: Knowledge and Responsibility: The Ongoing Consequences of Failing to Give Sufficient Attention to the Crimes against the Comfort Women in the Tokyo Trial, by Ustinia Dolgopol. Chapter 17: Silence as Collective Memory: Sexual Violence and the Tokyo Trial, by Nicola Henry. Chapter 18: Women’s Bodies and International Criminal Law: From Tokyo to Rabaul, by Helen Durham and Narrelle Morris. PART SEVEN: FORGOTTEN CRIMES:ATOMIC BOMBS, SATURATION BOMING AND THE ILLICIT DRUG TRADE:. Chapter 19 The Atomic Bombing, the Tokyo Tribunal and the Shimoda Case: Lessons for Anti-Nuclear Legal Movements, by Yuki Tanaka. Chapter 20: The Firebombing of Tokyo and Other Japanese Cities, by Ian Henderson. Chapter 21: Punishing Japan’s ‘Opium War-Making’ in China: The Relationship between Transnational Crime and Aggression at the Tokyo Tribunal, by Neil Boister. PART EIGHT : TOKYO TODAY:. Chapter 22: Tokyo’s Continuing Relevance, by Sarah Finnin and Tim McCormack. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CAT; Convention on the prohibition of the use, stockpilling, protection and transfer of anti-personnel mines and of their destruction; Tokyo charter; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Hague conventions; UDHR; ICCPR; IMT charter; Nuremburg charter; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states;
URL http://www.brill.nl/beyond-victors-justice-tokyo-war-crimes-trial-revisited |
11. | Bogdandy, Armin von : Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law , 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law : volume 15 / Bogdandy, Armin von ; Wolfrum, Rüdiger, xxi, 543 p.. - Leiden : Brill, 2011. - ISSN 1389-4633 ISBN 978-90-04-22124-6 LANGUAGE: ENG, ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Grewe, Constance/Riegner, Michael: Internationalized constitutionalism in ethically divided societies: Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo compared. 2. Orakhelashvili, Alexander: The International Court's advisory opinion on the UDI in respect of Kosovo: washing away the "Foam on the tide of time". 3. Kolb, Andreas/Salomon, Time R./Udich, Julian: Paying danegeld to pirates - humanitarian necessity or financing Jihadists. 4. Manger-Nestler, Cornelia: Impacts of international law on the restructuring of the global financial system. 5. Mehring, Sigrid: Medical war crimes. 6. Douhan, Alena: Commonwealth of Independent States - is there any chance to establish an effective system of collective security in the region?. 7. Tanaka, Yoshifumi: Protection of community interests in international law: the case of the law of the sea. 8. Nasu, Hitoshi: The UN Security Council's responsibility and the "Responsibility to protect". 9. Haugen, Hans: Human rights principles - can they be applied to improve the realization of social human rights? 10. Kirschner, Adele J.: The human right to water and sanitation. 11. Gulatti, Rishi: The internal dispute resolution regime of theUnited Nations. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Dayton agreement; ECHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; UN charter-chapter VII; ICC statute; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Helsinki final act; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; Protocol of San Salvador;
URL http://www.brill.nl/max-planck-yearbook-united-nations-law-volume-15-2011 |
12. | Isaacs, Tracy (ed.) : Accountability for collective wrongdoing, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Accountability for collective wrongdoing / Isaacs, Tracy (ed.) ; Vernon, Richard, ix, 310 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2011. ISBN 978-0-521-17611-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I. Collective Accountability in International Law:. 1. Collective responsibility and post-conflict justice, by Mark A. Drumbl. 2. State criminality and the ambition of international criminal law, by David Luban. 3. Punishing genocide: a critical reading of the International Court of Justice , by Anthony F. Lang. 4. Joint criminal enterprise, the Nuremberg precedent, and the concept of 'Grotian moment', by Michael P. Scharf. 5. Collective responsibility and transnational corporate conduct, by Sara L. Seck. 6. Collective punishment and mass confinement, by Larry May. Part II. Distributing Accountability: 7. Reparative justice Erin I. Kelly 8. The distributive effect of collective punishment Avia Pasternak 9. Citizen responsibility and the reactive attitudes: blaming Americans for war crimes in Iraq Amy Sepinwall 10. Kicking bodies and damning souls: the danger of harming 'innocent' individuals while punishing 'delinquent' states Toni Erskine 11. Punishing collectives: states or nations? Richard Vernon. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Nuremberg charter; Genocide convention; UN charter;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item5746663/?site_locale=en_GB |
13. | May, Larry : Global justice and due process, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Global justice and due process / May, Larry, ix, 250 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2011. ISBN 978-0-521-15235-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. 1. Introduction: understanding global procedural justice. PART I. Procedural Rights and Magna Carta's Legacy:. 2. Magna Carta and the interstices of procedure. 3. The nature and value of procedural rights. 4. International law and the inner morality of law. PART II. Habeas Corpus and Jus Cogens:. 5. Habeas corpus as a minimalist right. 6. Due process, judicial review, and expanding habeas corpus. 7. Habeas corpus as jus cogens in international law. PART III. Deportation, Outlawry and Trial by Jury:. 8. Collective punishment and mass confinement. 9. Non-refoulement and rendition. 10. The right to be subject to international law. PART IV. Security and Global Institutions:. 11. Alternative institutional structures. 12. Global procedural rights and security. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention onthe law of treaties; CAT; CERD; Refugee convention; ICCPR; ICESR; ECHR; Geneva conventions;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item5735919/?site_locale=en_GB |
14. | Heikkilä, Mikaela : Coping with international atrocities through criminal law , 2013 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Coping with international atrocities through criminal law : a study into the typical features of international criminality and the reflection of these traits in international criminal law / Heikkilä, Mikaela, 420 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi U. P., 2013. ISBN 978-951-765-702-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. PART I: THE SOCIAL PROBLEM THAT INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW AIMS AT ADDRESSING:. 2. The phenomenology of international criminality. 3. Criminology and international crimes. PART II: THE INSTRUMENT:. 4. The basic features of criminal law. 5. The special features of international criminal law. PART III: THE LEGAL SOLUTIONS:. 6. The international crimes. 7. Participation and responsibility. 8. Averting criminal responsibility. 9. Sentencing. 10. Concluding analysis. SVENSKT SAMMANDRAG. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (THESIS): PhD in public international law, ÅAU. Department of law, 2013, [T] NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; ICCPR; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ICC statute; CAT; Nuremberg charter; Tokyo charter; ICTY charter; ICTR charter; ICC statute; Statute for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon; |
15. | Crawford, James : State responsibility , 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph State responsibility : the general part / Crawford, James. - repr.. - ( Cambridge studies in international and comparative law), lxxiv, 825 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U.P., 2014. ISBN 978-0-521-82266-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. PART I. The Framework of Responsibility:. 1. Historical development. 2. Key concepts. 3. Corollaries of breach of an international obligation. PART II. Attribution to the State:. 4. Organs and entities exercising governmental authority. 5. Direction and control by the State. 6. Other cases of attribution. PART III. Breach:. 7. Breach: the material element. 8. Breach: the temporal element. 9. Circumstances precluding wrongfulness. PART IV. Collective or Ancillary Responsibility:. 10. Responsibility in cases of joint or collective conduct. 11. Responsibility for breaches of communitarian norms. 12. Ancillary and secondary responsibility. 13. Succession to responsibility. PART V. Cessation and Reparation:. 14. Restoration of legal relations after breach. 15. Reparation. 16. Remedies. PART VI. The Implementation of Responsibility:. 17. The claims process. 18. Claims on behalf of others: diplomatic and functional protection. 19. Implementation of responsibility by judicial process. 20. Invocation in cases involving multiple parties. 21. Implementation of responsibility by extra-judicial process. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): AMR; UN charter; Genocide convention; ECHR; ILC articles on diplomatic protection; ILC articles on the responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts; ICC statute; ICJ statute; UN convention on the law of the sea; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; |
16. | Gunnarsson, Logi (ed.) : The human right to a dignified existence in an international context, 2019 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The human right to a dignified existence in an international context : Legal and philosophical perspectives / Gunnarsson, Logi (ed.) ; Mürbe, Ulrike (ed.) ; Weiss, Norman (ed.). - 121 p - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2019. ISBN 978-3-8487-5812-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: 1. Logi Gunnarsson and Norman Weiss: Human dignity and the human right to an existence worthy of human dignity. 2. Christian Neuhäuser: The right to dignified life: on the relation of respect, human rights, and justice. 3. Geraldine Van Bueren: The new social contract: a dignified life for both the poor and the wealthy. 4. Georg Lohmann: How to determine the extent of a human right to a dignified existence ? 5. Roland Pierik: Do nation states share a responsibility to secure the necessary conditions for a dignified existence? 6. Galina Cornelisse: Protecting human dignity across and within borders: the legal regulation of international migration in Europe. INDEX WORDS: