1. | Simma, Bruno : Reflections on Article 60 of the Vienna convention on the law of treaties and its background in general international law, 1970 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Reflections on Article 60 of the Vienna convention on the law of treaties and its background in general international law / Simma, Bruno REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Österreichische Zeitschrift fuer öffentliches Recht : 20., p. 5-83., 1970. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
LIBRARY LOCATION: ÅAB, HeinOnline Law Journal Library |
2. | Evans, Malcolm D. (ed.) : International law, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law / Evans, Malcolm D. (ed.). - 5th ed.., lxxiii, 896 p. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-0-19-879183-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Stephen C. Neff: A short history of international law. 2. Martti Koskenniemi: What is international law for?. 3. Iain Scobbie: A view from Delft: some thoughts about thinking about international law. 4. Anthea Roberts and Sandesh Sivakumaran: The theory and reality of the sources of international law. 5. Alan Boyle: Soft law in international law-making. 6. Malgosia Fitzmaurice: The practical working of the law of treaties. 7. Matthew Craven and Rose Parfitt: Statehood, self-determination, and recognition. 8. Dapo Akande: International organizations. 9. Robert McCorquodale: The individual and the international legal system. 10. Christopher Staker: Jurisdiction. 11. Philippa Webb: International law and restraints on the exercise of jurisdiction by national courts of states. 12. Chanaka Wickremasinghe: Immunities enjoyed by officials of states and international organizations. 13. Eileen Denza: The relationship between international and national law. 14. James Crawford and Simon Olleson: The character and forms of international responsibility. 15. Phoebe Okowa: Issues of admissibility and the law of international responsibility. 16. Spencer Zifcak: The responsibility to protect. 17. Nigel D. White and Ademola Abass: Countermeasrues and sanctions. 18. John Merrills: The means of dispute settlement. 19. Hugh Thirlway: The International Court of Justice. 20. Christine Gray: The use of force and the international legal order. 21. Sir Malcolm D. Evans: The law of the sea. 22. Catherine Redgwell: International environmental law. 23. Surya P. Subedi: International investment law. 24. Robert Cryer: International criminal law. 25. Sir Nigel Rodley: International human rights law. 26. Geoff Gilbert and Anna Magdalena Rüsch: International refugee and migration law. 27. David Turns: The law of armed conflict (international humanitarian law) INDEX WORDS:
3. | Costelloe, Daniel : Legal consequences of peremptory norms in international law, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Legal consequences of peremptory norms in international law / Costelloe, Daniel - (Cambridge studies in international and comparative law), xlviii, 322 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-316-50840-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Peremptory norms and their legal consequences as a feature of general international law. 2. Legal consequences for treaties. 3. Peremptory norms outside the Vienna Convention: their questionable validity by reason of their content. 4. Legal consequences for Security Council resolutions. 5. Legal consequences for certain unilateral acts. 6. Legal consequences in the law of international responsibility. 7. Conflict between a peremptory norm and general international law: legal consequences for state immunity. General conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties |