1. | Thoolen, Hans : The situation of refugees and refugee law in the Baltic countries, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The situation of refugees and refugee law in the Baltic countries / Thoolen, Hans REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Nordic journal of international law : vol. 64; no. 3., p. 405-411. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1995. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Finland / Russian Federation NOTE (MEETINGS): The 10th Nordic symposium on human rights, Copenhagen, [19941121-19941124], [C] NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention |
2. | Schmid, Alex P. (ed.) : Whither refugee?, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Whither refugee? : The refugee crisis : problems and solutions / Schmid, Alex P. (ed.), iv, 224 p.. - Leiden : PIOOM, 1996. ISBN 90-71042-89-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Causes of forced exodus : five principal explanations in the scholarly literature and six findings from empirical research, by Susanne Schmeidl. 2. Refugee flows, the internally displaced and political violene (1980-1993) : an exploratory analysis, by Mark Gibney, Clair Apodaca and James McCann. 3. Exporting tools of repression, importing refugees : links between the arms trade and human rights violations, by Steve Wright. 4. Organized crime and refugees : smuggling and exploiting people in distress, by Alex P. Schmid. 5. Refugees from Tibet, by Francisca van Holthoon. 6. Helping women and children refugees : a frontline report from Former Yugoslvia and the Caucasus, by Vera Mehta. 7. Wither refugee? Regional solutions, by Klaas Keuning. 8. Wither proetction in Europe? by Joanne Thorburn. 9. Racism and refugees in germany, by Ulrike Haupt. 10. Refugees and the reformulation of international aid policies : what donor governments can do, by Barbara E. Harrell-Bond. 11. Protection of refugees and solutions to the refugee problem : a human rights perspective, by Leonardo Franco. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / Turkey / Iraq / Sri Lanka / Lebanon / Afghanistan / Iran / Kenya / tanzania / China / USA / Spain / Netherlands / Eastern Europe / Haiti / Myanmar NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention; CERD; |
3. | Tessier, Kevin : The new slave trade, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The new slave trade : the international crisis of immigrant smuggling / Tessier, Kevin REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Indiana journal of global legal studies [=IJGLS] : vol. 3; no. 1., 5 p.. - Bloomington, IN : Indiana University School of Law, 1996. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1068&context=ijgls |
4. | Laczko, Frank ... [et al.] : Migrant trafficking and human smuggling in Europe, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Migrant trafficking and human smuggling in Europe : a review of the evidence with case studies from Hungary, Poland and Ukraine / Laczko, Frank ... [et al.], 416 p.. - Vienna : International Organization for Migration [=IOM], 2000 . ISBN 92-9068-097-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
5. | Byrne, Rosemary (ed.) : New asylum countries, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series New asylum countries : migration control and refugee protection in an enlarged European Union / Byrne, Rosemary (ed.) ; Noll, Gregor ; Vedsted-Hansen, Jens - (Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; vol. 4), xx, 463 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. ISBN 90-411-1753-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. INTRODUCTION. CHPATER 1. Western European Asylum Policies for Export: The Transfer of Protection and Deflection Formulas to Central Europe and the Baltics. CHAPTER 2. The Central Link: Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. CHAPTER 3. The Southern Link: Austria and Hungary. CHAPTER 4. The Northern Link. CHAPTER 5. Protection in a Spirit of Solidarity? CHAPTER 6. Title IV TEC and the Schengen Integration Protocol with Special Regard to Implications on Accession Candidates. CHAPTER 7. Recent Developments in Central Europe and the Baltic States in the Asylum Field: A View from UNHCR and the Strategies of the High Commissioner for Enhancing the Asylum Systems of the Region. CHAPTER 8. Future Perspectives: Accession and Asylum in an Expanded European Union. CHAPTER 9. Transformation of Asylum in Europe. Select Bibliography. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Australia / Austria / Bangladesh / Belarus / Belgium / Caucasus / Chechnya / China / Croatia / Cuba / Denmark / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Egypt / Germany / Former Yugoslavia / France / Georgia / Ghana / Greece / Finland / Iceland / Hungary / Liberia / Libya / Macedonia / Netherlands / New Zealand / Mongolia / Pakistan / Poland / Serbia / Switzerland / USSR / Syria / Sweden / Tunisia / Turkey / Ukraine / Zaire / United Kingdom / USA / Slovenia / Slovakia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; CAT; ECHR; ICCPR; Refugee convention; TEU; ToA; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
6. | Gallagher, Anne : Human rights and the new UN protocols on trafficking and migrant smuggling, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Human rights and the new UN protocols on trafficking and migrant smuggling : a preliminary analaysis / Gallagher, Anne REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : vol. 23; no. 4., p. 975-1004. - Baltimore, MA : ohn Hopkins Univ., 2001. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention against transnational organized crime; Convention for the suppression of the traffic in persons; CRC; Migrant smuggling protocol; |
7. | Kyle, David (ed.) : Global human smuggling, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Global human smuggling : comparative perspectives / Kyle, David (ed.) ; Koslowski, Rey (ed.), x, 374 p.. - Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins U. P., 2001. ISBN 0-8018-6590-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction, by David Kyle and Rey Koslowski. PART I. Historical and Conceptual Approaches:. 1. Smuggling the State Back In: Agents of Human Smuggling Reconsidered, by David Kyle and John Dale. 2. The Smuggling of Asylum Seekers into Western Europe: Contradictions, Conundrums, and Dilemmas, by Khalid Koser. 3. Pre-Cold War Traffic in Sexual Labor and Its Foes: Some Contemporary Lessons by Eileen Scully. 4. The Transformation of Migrant Smuggling across the U.S.-Mexican Border, by Peter Andreas. PART II: Case Studies: Mexico, Russia, and China: 5. Smuggling Migrants through South Texas: Challenges Posed by Operation Rio Grande, by David Spencer. 6. Russian Transnational Organized Crime and Human Trafficking, by James O. Finckenauer. 7. From Fujian to New York: Understanding the New Chinese Immigration, by Zai Liang and Wenzhen Ye. 8. The Social Organization of Chinese Human Smuggling, by Ko-Lin Chin. 9. Impact of Chinese Human Smuggling on the American Labor Market, by Peter Kwong. PART III: The Politics of Human Smuggling:. 10. The Law at a Crossroads: The Construction of Migrant Women Trafficked into Prostitution, by Nora V. Demleitner. 11. Immigrants, Smuggling, and Threats to Social Order in Japan, by H. Richard Friman. 12. The Sanctioning of Unauthorized Migration and Alien Employment, by Mark J. Miller. 13. Economic Globalization, Human Smuggling, and Global Governance, by Rey Koslowski. List of Contributors Index INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.press.jhu.edu/press/books/titles/s01/s01kygl.htm |
8. | Mullally, Siobhan : The Irish Supreme Court and the illegal immigrants (trafficking) bill, 1999, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The Irish Supreme Court and the illegal immigrants (trafficking) bill, 1999 / Mullally, Siobhan REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International journal of refugee law : vol. 13; no. 3., p. 354-362. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2001. - ISSN 0953-8186 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www3.oup.co.uk/reflaw/hdb/Volume_13/Issue_03/ |
9. | Kürchner, Andree : International attempts to conclude a convention to combat illegal migration, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial International attempts to conclude a convention to combat illegal migration / Kürchner, Andree ; Shiano di Pepe, Lorenzo REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International journal of refugee law : vol. 10; no. 4., p. 688-699. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 1998. - ISSN 1464-3715 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
10. | Niesner, Elvira : Trafficking in women in Europe, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Trafficking in women in Europe : prosecution and victim protection in a European context : a study carried out by the Frankfurter Institut für Frauenforschung = Frauenhandel in Europa Trafficking in Women in Europe Strafverfolgung und Opferschultz im europäischen Vergleich eine Studie des Frankfurter Instituts fur Frauenforschung (FIF) / Niesner, Elvira ; Jones-Pauly, Christina. - 279 - (Wissenschaftliche Reihe ; Bd. 129), 243 p.. - Bielefeld : Kleine, 2001. ISBN 3-89370-337-3 LANGUAGE: German English ABSTRACT: The publication is bilingual:. 1. Introduction. 2. Determination of the theme. 3. Country studies. 4. A selection of cross-border problems. 5. Summary of findings and recommendations INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Belgium / Italy / Poland / Czech Republic / Austria / Germany NOTE (GENERAL): CRC; Worst forms of child labour (ILO convention no. 182) |
11. | Williams, Phil (ed.) : Illegal immigration and commercial sex, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Illegal immigration and commercial sex : the new slave trade / Williams, Phil (ed.), 241 p.. - London : Frank Cass, 1999. ISBN 0-7146-4384-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Human commodity trafficking - an overview, by Phil Williams. 2. Illegal migration - personal tragedies, social problems, or national security threats? by Margaret E. Beare. 3. Capitalizing on transition economies - the role of the Russian Mafiya in trafficking women and forced prostitution, by Gillian Cadwell et al. 4. Trafficking in people in Thailand, by Pasuk Phongpaichit. 5. Organized crime and trafficking in women from eastern Europe and the Netherlands, by Gerben J. N. Bruinsma and Guus Meerschoek. 6. Prostitution and the Mafia - the involvement of organized crime in the global sex trade, by Sarah Shannon. 7. Trafficking in women and children - a market perspective, by Phil Williams. 8. Child pornography in the digital age, by Anna Grant et al. 9. The fusion of immigration and crime in the European Union - problems of cooperation and the fight against the trafficking in women, by Penelope Turnbull. 10. Memorandum for the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Administrator of the Agency for International Development, the Director of the United States Information Agency - March 11, 1998, by William J. World Congress Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children - provisional report of the congress, by Vitit Muntarbhorn. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Asia / Australia / Austria / Bolivia / Burma / Canada / China / Czech Republic / Eastern Europe / Germany / Guatemala / Hong Kong / India / Indonesia / Israel / Italy / Japan / Russian Federation / Malysia / Middle East / nethelands / Nigeria / Philippines / poland / South AFrica / South Korea / Switzerland / Thailand / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / USA / Viert Nam NOTE (GENERAL): Dublin convention; SEA; |
12. | Wieschhoff, Marcus : Open gates to fortress Europe?, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Open gates to fortress Europe? : Migrant smuggling through the states of Former Yugoslavia / Wieschhoff, Marcus REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Helsinki monitor : quarterly on security and cooperation in Europe : vol. 12; no. 1., p. 41-47. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001. - ISSN 0925-0972 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Former Yugoslavia / Croatia / Slovenia |
13. | Bunaes, Runa (red.) : Utlendingsrett, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Utlendingsrett / Bunaes, Runa (red.) ; Kvigne, Kristin Ottesen ; Vandvik, Bjorn, 640 p.. - Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 2004. ISBN 82-150-0327-3 LANGUAGE: NOR INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Norway NOTE (GENERAL): Schengen convention; Dublin convention; Refugee convention;
URL http://www.universitetsforlaget.no/fagomrader/juss/allmenn_juss/article.jhtml?articleID=20181 |
14. | Guild, Elspeth (ed.) : Immigration and criminal law in the European Union, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Immigration and criminal law in the European Union : the legal measures and social consequences of criminal law in member states on trafficking and smuggling in human beings / Guild, Elspeth (ed.) ; Minderhoud, Paul - ( Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; vol. 9), vi, 424 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 2006. ISBN 90-04-15064-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. French Criminal and Administrative Law Concerning Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Human Beings: Punishing Trafficked People for their Protection? , Johanne Vernier. 2. Trafficking and Smuggling in France: Social Problems as Transnational Security Issues, Virginie Guiraudon. 3. The Legal Framework of Trafficking and Smuggling in Germany: Victim Protection Emerging from Witness Protection?, Katja S. Ziegler. 4. Social Working of Criminal Law on Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings in Germany, Norbert Cyrus and Dita Vogel. 5. Crimes of Assisting Illegal Immigration and Trafficking in Human Beings in Italian Law: Illegal Immigration between Administrative Infringement and Criminal Offence, Matilde Ventrella McCreight. 6. Looking for Some Coherence. Migrants in-between Criminalisation and Protection in Italy, Raffaela Puggioni. 7. Dutch Criminal and Administrative Law concerning Trafficking in and Smuggling of Human Beings. The Blurred Legal Position of Smuggled and Trafficked Persons: Victims, Instigators or Illegals?, Bregje Pieters. 8. Controlling Immigration and Organized Crime in the Netherlands. Dutch Developments and Debates on Human Smuggling and Trafficking, Richard Staring. 9. Trafficking in and Smuggling of Human Beings: The Spanish Approach. Main Issues on Spanish Alien Law and Practice concerning Trafficking and Smuggling of Human Beings, C. Gortázar Rotaeche, E. García Coso and A. Obregón Garcia. 10. The Fight against Illegal Immigration, Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings in Spain. Ambiguities and Rhetoric, Carmen González Enríquez. 11. Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings. The British Perspective, Dora Kostakopoulou. 12. The Politics of Irregular Migration, Human Trafficking and People Smuggling in the United Kingdom, Andrew Geddes. 13. EU Action against Trafficking of Human Beings. Past, Present and the Future , Tom Obokata. Conclusions: The Variable Political and Legal Geography of People Smuggling and Trafficking in Europe, Elspeth Guild. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: France / Germany / Italy / the Netherlands / Spain / United Kingdom NOTE (GENERAL): TEU, Europol convention, ToA LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
15. | Obokata, Tom : Trafficking of human beings from a human rights perspective, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Trafficking of human beings from a human rights perspective : towards a holistic approach / Obokata, Tom - (Insternational studies in human rights ; vol. 89), xvii, 247 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 2006. ISBN 90-04-15405-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Understanding trafficking. 2. National case studies on trafficking of human beings in Thailand, Poland, and the United Kingdom. 3. The role of inter-governmental organisations in relation to trafficking of human beings. 4. Trafficking of human beings as a human rights abuse: obligations and accountability of non-state actors. 5. Trafficking of human beings as a human rights violation: obligations and accountability of states. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Thailand / Poland / United Kingdom NOTE (GENERAL): Trafficking protocol |
16. | McLean, David : Transnational organized crime, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Transnational organized crime : a commentary on the UN convention and its protocols / McLean, David, lviii, 512 p.. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-19-921772-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. The convention. 2. The trafficking protocol. 3. The migrants protocol. 4. The firearms protocol. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention against transnational organized crime |
17. | Human trafficking and forced labour exploitation, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human trafficking and forced labour exploitation : guidance for legislation and law enforcement : special action programme to combat forced labour 2005 /, 70 p.. - Geneva : ILO, 2005. ISBN 92-2-117347-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): The worst forms of child labour (ILO convention no. 182); Forced labour convention (ILO convention no. 105); |
18. | Ruiter, Donja de : Sexual offenses in international criminal law, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Sexual offenses in international criminal law / Ruiter, Donja de, 390 p.. - Hague : International Courts Association, 2011. ISBN 978-90-5887-095-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN trafficking protocol; ICC statute; European convention against trafficking in human beings; Convention against transnational organized crime; Convention against transnational organized crime; Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational crime; Geneva conventions; Additional protocol (II) to the Geneva conventions; ICTR statute;
URL http://www.isbs.com/partnumber.asp?cid=28584&pnid=334974 |
19. | Klein, Natalie : Maritime security and the law of the sea, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Maritime security and the law of the sea / Klein, Natalie - (Oxford monographs in international law), xxvi, 350 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-956653-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1: Two Fundamental Concepts. 2: Passage and Military Activities. 3: Law Enforcement. 4: Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. 5: Intelligence Gathering and Information Sharing. 6: Armed Conflict and Naval Warfare: Shifting Legal Regimes. 7: International Law of Maritime Security - A Synopsis and Proposal for Change. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships; Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational crime; convention on conservation of antarctic marine living resources;
URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199566532.do?keyword=natalie+klein&sortby=bestMatches |
20. | Guild, Elspeth (ed.) : The first decade of EU migration and asylum law, 2012 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The first decade of EU migration and asylum law / Guild, Elspeth (ed.) ; Minderhoud, Paul - (Immigration and asylum law and policy ; vol. 24), xvi, 485 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2012. - ISSN 1568-2749 ISBN 978-90-04-21203-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. SECTION 1: EU Citizens?:. 1. Citizenship in Motion: The Development of the Freedom of Movement for Citizens in the Case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, by Jonathan Tomkin. 2. EU Free Movement of Persons and Member States’ Solidarity Systems: Searching for a Balance, by Herwig Verschueren. 3. The Privileged Treatment of Turkish Nationals, by Denis Martin. SECTION 2: EU Borders and Irregular Migration:. 1. Has Europeanization Silenced Criticism on Intergovernmental External Border Co-operation?, by Helen Oosterom-Staples. 2. The EU Acquis on Irregular Migration Ten Years On: Still Reinforcing Security at the Expense of Rights?, by Ryszard Cholewinski. 3. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in EU Migration Law: Is the European Parliament Becoming Bad and Ugly? (The adoption of Directive 2008/115: the Returns Di-rective), by Diego Acosta Arcarazo. 4. Detention of Foreigners, by Galina Cornelisse. SECTION 3: EU Immigration and Asylum:. 1. The Impact of the Treaty of Lisbon over EU Policies on Migration, Asylum and Bor-ders: The Struggles over the Ownership of the Stockholm Programme, by Sergio Carrera. 2. Common EU Standards on Asylum – Optional Harmonisation and Exclusive Proce-dures, by Jens Vedsted-Hansen. 3. The Externalisation of European Migration Control and the Reach of International Refugee Law, by Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen. 4. The Long-Term Residents Directive: A Fulfilment of the Tampere Objective of Near-Equality?, by Louise Halleskov Storgaard. 5. Love Thy Neighbour. Family Reunification and the Rights of Insiders, by Betty de Hart. 6. An Ideal Husband? Marriages of Convenience, Moral Gate-keeping and Immigra-tion to the United Kingdom, by Helena Wray. SECTION 4: The Rights to have Rights:. 1. Effective Remedies for Third Country Nationals in EU Law: Justice Accessible to All?, by Evelien Brouwer. 2. Access to an effective remedy before a Court or Tribunal in asylum cases, Marcelle Reneman. 3. Immigration, Asylum and the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, by Steve Peers. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; CAT; EU charter of fundamental rights; ICCPR; Lisbon treaty; TEU; UN trafficking protocol; Schengen agreement; SEA; Treaty of Lisbon; TFEU; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.brill.nl/first-decade-eu-migration-and-asylum-law |
21. | Rubio-Marin, Ruth (ed.) : Human rights and immigration, 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights and immigration / Rubio-Marin, Ruth (ed.), xx, 315 p.. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-0-19-870117-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Ruth Rubio-Marin: Introduction: Human rights and the citizen/non-citizen distinction revisited. 1. Vincent Chetail: Are refugee rights human rights? An unorthodox questioning of the relations between refugee law and human rights law. 2. Ruth Rubio-Marin: Integration in immigrant Europe: Human rights at a crossroads. 3. Daniel Thym: Residence as de facto citizenship? Protection of long-term residence under Article 8 ECHR. 4. Siobhan Mullally: Migration, gender and the limits of rights. 5. Bernard Ryan and Virginia Mantouvalou: The labour and social rights of migrants in international law. 6. Tullio Scovazzi: Human rights and immigration at sea. 7. Michael J. Churgin: The asylum/convention refugee process in the United States and Canada. 8. Alessia Di Pascale: Italy and unauthorized migration: Between state sovereignty and human rights obligations. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada / Italy / United States NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Refugee convention; ICCPR; UDHR; Migrant workers convention; European convention on the legal status of migrant workers; European convention on social and medical assistance; ICESCR; ESC; ACHR; Migration for employment convention (revised) (ILO convention no. 97); Migrant workers (supplementary provisions) (ILO convention no. 143); Equality of treatment (social security) (ILO convention no. 118); Maintenance of social security rights (ILO convention no. 157); UNCLOS; SOLAS convention; International convention on salvage; Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air |
22. | Ippolito, Francesca (ed.) : Protecting vulnerable groups, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Protecting vulnerable groups : the European human rights framework / Ippolito, Francesca (ed.) ; Iglesias Sanchez, Sara (ed.), xii, 481 p. - Oxford : Hart, 2015. ISBN 978-1-84946-685-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Fransesca Ippolito and Sara Iglesias Sanchez: Introduction. 2. Francesca Ippolito: (De)constructing children's vulnerability under European law. 3. Francesco Seatzu: Reshaping EU old age law in the light of the normative standards in international human rights law in relation to older persons. 4. Anja Wiesbrock: Disability as a form of vulnerability under EU and CoE law: embracing the 'social model'?. 5. Francette Fines: European protection of women. 6. Olivier Dubos and Victor Guset: European law and regional or minority languages: cultural diversity and the fight against linguistic vulnerability. 7. Tawhida Ahmed: The many vulnerabilities of the Roma and the European legal framework. 8. Julinda Beqiraj: Indigenous peoples' cultural identity under EU law and the ECHR: a non-trade interest or a human right?. 9. Erica Howard: The protection of religious minorities in Europe: strengths and weaknesses. 10. Peggy Ducoulombier: The protection of sexual minorities in European law. 11. Caroline Sawyer: The unexpected precariat. 12. Ulrike Brandl and Philip Czech: General and specific vulnerability of protection-seekers in the EU: is there an adequate response to their needs?. 13. Catherine-Amélie Chassin: Dealing with international vulnerability: European law and climate-induced migrants. 14. Alessandra Lang: The protection of vulnerable people and the free movement of persons within the European Union: two worlds apart?. 15. Valsamis Mitsilegas: The place of the victim in Europe's area of criminal justice. 16. Jessica Almqvist: Responding to the plight of victims of terrorism: European approaches and dilemmas. 17. Jacobo Rios Rodriguez: Victims of trafficking and smuggling of migrants in international and European law. 18. Steve Foster: The effective supervision of European prison conditions. 19. Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer: The ultimate social (or is it economic?) vulnerability: poverty in European law. 20. Sara Iglesias Sanchez: Irregular migrants in Europe: deprivation of status as a type of state-imposed vulnerability. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; TFEU; European charter for regional or minority languages; EU charter of fundamental rights |
23. | Kimpimäki, Minna : Kansainvälinen rikosoikeus, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kansainvälinen rikosoikeus / Kimpimäki, Minna, 686 p. - Helsinki : Kauppakamari, 2015. ISBN 978-952-246-340-1 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: JOHDANTO:. 1. Rikosoikeuden kansainvälistyminen ja eurooppalaistuminen. 2. Kansainvälisten rikosten lajit. 3. Kansainväliset rikokset Suomen rikoslainsäädännössä. 4. Teoksen rakenne. KANSAINVÄLISET RIKOKSET. A. KANSAINVÄLISEN RIKOSTUOMIOISTUIMEN TOIMIVALTAAN KUULUVAT RIKOKSET. 1. Sotarikokset. 2. Rikokset ihmisyyttä vastaan. 3. Joukkotuhonta. 4. Hyökkäysrikos. B. VAKAVAT IHMISOIKEUSLOUKKAUKSET. 1. Rotusyrjintä, rotuerottelu ja rasismi. 2. Kidutus. 3. Tahdonvastainen katoaminen. 4. Seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö, pornografia ja naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta. C. TERRORISMI. 1. Ilmaliikenteeseen kohdistuvat laittomat teot. 2. Meriliikenteeseen kohdistuvat laittomat teot. 3. Kansainvälisesti suojeltuihin henkilöihin kohdistuvat laittomat teot. 4. Panttivangiksi ottaminen. 5. Terroristiset pommi-iskut ja ydinräjähderikokset. 6. Terrorismin rahoittaminen. 7. Terroristisessa tarkoituksessa tehdyt rikokset ja terroristiryhmiin liittyvät rikokset. D. JÄRJESTÄYTYNYT RIKOLLISUUS. 1. Huumausainerikokset. 2. Rahanväärennys ja maksuvälinepetokset. 3. Rahanpesu. 4. Korruptio. 5. Ihmiskauppa ja pakkotyö. 6. Maahanmuuttajien salakuljetus. 7. Tietoverkkorikokset. 8. Järjestäytyneen rikollisryhmän toimintaan osallistuminen. VASTUUSEEN SAATTAMISEN MUODOT. A. KANSAINVÄLISET RIKOSTUOMIOISTUIMET. 1. Ad hoc-tuomioistuimet. 2. Kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin (ICC). B. KANSALLISTEN TUOMIOISTUINTEN TOIMIVALTA. 1. Toimivaltaperiaatteet. 2. Toimivallan käyttöön liittyviä ehtoja ja rajoituksia. INDEX WORDS:
24. | Pickering, Sharon (ed.) : The Routledge handbook on crime and international migration, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Routledge handbook on crime and international migration / Pickering, Sharon (ed.) ; Ham, Julie (ed.), xxix, 417 p.. - London : Routledge, 2015. ISBN 9780415823944 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Sharon Pickering and Julie Ham: Introduction. 1. Rebecca Wickes and Michelle Sydes: Immigration and crime. 2. Marjorie S. Zatz and Hilary Smith: Understanding immigration, crime and victimization in the United States: patterns and paradoxes in tradition. 3. Amber L. Beckley, Johan Kardell and Jerzy Sarnecki: Immigration and crime in Sweden. 4. Ben Bowling and James Sheptycki: Global policing, mobility and social control. 5. Karine Côté-Boucher: Bordering citizenship in 'an open and generous society': the criminalization of migration in Canada. 6. Mary Bosworth and Sarah Turnbull: Immigration detention, punishment and the criminalization of migration. 7. Thomas Ugelvik: The incarceration of foreigners in European prisons. 8. Michael Grewcock: Reinventing 'the stain': bad character and criminal deportation in contemporary Australia. 9. Dean Wilson: Border militarization, technology and crime control. 10. Leanne Weber: Deciphering deportation practices across the Global North. 11. Francesco Vecchio and Alsion Gerard: Surviving the politics of illegality. 12. Claudia Tazreiter: (Un)knowing and ambivalence in migration: temporary migration status and its impacts on the everyday life of insecure communities. 13. Julie Ham: Intuiting illegality in sex work. 14. Lea Sitkin: The state's contradictory response to the exploitation of immigrant workers: the UK case. 15. Julie P. Stumpf: Crimmigration: encountering the leviathan. 16. Ana Aliverti: Criminal immigration law and human rights in Europe. 17. Catherine Dauvergne: War crimes and asylum in Canada: reflections on the Ezokola decision and the barriers courts face in protecting refugees. 18. Gabriella Sanchez: Human smuggling facilitators in the US Soutwest. 19. Sonja Milivojevic: Stopped in the traffic, not stopping the traffic; gender, asylum and anti-trafficking interventions in Serbia. 20. Marie Segrave: Labour trafficking and illegal markets. 21. Karen Joe Laidler and Maggy Lee: Border trading and policing of everyday life in Hong Kong. 22. Penny Green, Kristian Lasslett and Angela Sherwood: Enclosing the commons: predatory capital and forced evictions in Papua New Guinea and Burma. 23. Doris Marie Provine and Marjorie S. Zatz: Borders, crime and justice. 24. Jude McCulloch and Jacqui True: Shifting borders: crime, borders, international relations and criminology. 25. Sharon Pickering, Mary Bosworth and Katja Franko Aas: The criminology of mobility. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Burma / Canada / Hong Kong / Papua New Guinea / Serbia / Sweden / United Kingdom / United States LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR Inst.ref. |
25. | Lazaridis, Gabriella : International migration into Europe, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International migration into Europe : from subjects to abjects / Lazaridis, Gabriella, x, 199 p. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. ISBN 978-1-137-38495-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction and theoretical context. 1. Irregular migration and undocumented migrants - the abjects. 2. Documented migrants: skilled migration - the injects. 3. From undocumented to documented: migration and self-employment. 4. Migrant women: maids, nannies and nurses, and the ban on the headscarf. 5. Human trafficking and smuggling: the production of ultimate abjects. 6. The securitisation of migration. 7. Migration regimes/s, the multiculturalism question and regularisation policies in Europe. 8. The challenges of migration for EU citizenship: from abjects and ejectés to subjects?. INDEX WORDS:
26. | Westra, Laura : Towards a refugee oriented right of asylum, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Towards a refugee oriented right of asylum / Westra, Laura ; Juss, Satvinder ; Scovazzi, Tullio, xi, 361 p. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2015. ISBN 978-1-4724-5778-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Laura Westra: The limitations of the present international instruments for the protection of refugees. 2. Donald A. Brown: Climate change refugees: law, human rights and ethics. 3. Laura Westra: Escape from development and the plunder of resources: causality and responsibility. 4. Satvinder Juss: Exodus after conflict. 5. Laura Westra: After the flight: international law and the rights of asylum seekers today. 6. Tullio Scovazzi: The particular problems of migrants and asylum seekers arriving by sea. 7. Laura Westra: The case for asylum seekers: reverting to human rights. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention and its protocol |
27. | Gallagher, Anne T. : International law of migrant smuggling, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law of migrant smuggling / Gallagher, Anne T. ; David, Fiona, 783 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. ISBN 978-1-316-50748-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. General legal framework. 2. The legal framework: human rights and refugee law. 3. Acting against migrant smuggling: capacities and limitations. 4. State responsibility and migrant smuggling. 5. Criminalization of migrant smuggling. 6. Migrant smuggling by sea: interdiction and rescue. 7. Prevention and international cooperation to combat migrant smuggling. 8. Obligations of protection, assistance and response. 9. Obligations relating to detention of smuggled migrants. 10. Return of smuggled migrants. INDEX WORDS:
28. | Moreno-Lax, Violeta (ed.) : 'Boat refugees' and migrants at sea, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph 'Boat refugees' and migrants at sea : a comprehensive approach / Moreno-Lax, Violeta (ed.) ; Papastavridis, Efthymios (ed.), 461 p. - Leiden : Brill, 2017. ISBN 978-90-04-30074-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Violeta Moreno-Lax and Efthymios Papastavridis: Introduction: tracing the bases of an integrated paradigm for maritime security and human rights at sea. 1. Guy S. Goodwin-Gill: Setting the scene: refugees, asylum seekers and migrants at sea: the need for a long-term, protection-centred vision. 2. Natalie Klein: A maritime security framework for the legal dimensions of irregular migration at sea. 3. Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen: The perfect storm: sovereignty games and the law and politics of boat migration. 4. Tamara Last: Who is the 'boat migrant'? Challenging the anonymity of death by border-sea. 5. Jean-Pierre Gauci and Patricia Mallia: The migrant smuggling protocol and the need for a multi-faceted approach: inter-sectionality and multi-actor cooperation. 6. Tom Obokata: Boat migrants as the victims of human trafficking: exploring key obligations through a human rights based approach. 7. Douglas Guilfoyle: Transnational crime and the rule of law at sea: responses to maritime migration and piracy compared. 8. Jasmine Coppens: Interception of migrant boats at sea. 9. Lisa-Marie Komp: The duty to assist persons in distress: an alternative source of protection against the return of migrants and asylum seekers to the high seas?. 10. Mariagiulia Giuffré: Access to asylum at sea? Non-refoulement and a comprehensive approach to extraterritorial human rights obligations. 11. Niels Frenzen: Responses to 'boat migration': a global perspective - US practices. 12. Claire Higgins: The (un-)sustainability of Australia's offshore processing and settlement policy. 13. Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche: Leave and let die: the EU Banopticon approach to migrants at sea. 14. Cristiano D'Orsi, Sergio Carciotto and Corey R. Johnson: Into Africa: 'boat people' in Sub-Saharan Africa. 15. Maïté Fernandez: The EU external borders policy and Frontex-coordinated operations at sea: who is in charge? Reflections of responsibility for wrongful acts. 16. Meltem Ineli-Ciger: An examination of the comprehensive plan of action as a response to mass influx of 'boat people': lessons learnt for a comprehensive approach to migration at sea. Anja Klug: Conclusion: closing remarks: the present and future of 'boat refugees' and migrants at sea. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Australia / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplemeting the UN convention against transnational organized crime (migrant smuggling protocol); UNCLOS |
29. | Kuzelewska, Elzbieta (ed.) : Irregular migration as a challenge for democracy, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Irregular migration as a challenge for democracy / Kuzelewska, Elzbieta (ed.) ; Weatherburn, Amy (ed.) ; Kloza, Dariusz (ed.) - (European integration and democracy series), lvii, 275 p. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78068-622-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I. THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION PROJECT AND IRREGULAR MIGRATION: UPHOLDING FUNDAMENTAL VALUES AND PRINCIPLES. 1. Luigi Lonardo: The 'migrant crisis': member states' or EU's responsibility?. 2. Alberto Miglio: Solidarity in EU asylum and migration law: a crisis management tool or a structural principle?. 3. Graham Butler: EU foreing policy and other EU external relations in times of crisis: forcing the law to overlap?. 4. Maria Cudowska: The migration crisis in Europe: the implications for trade and labour in a globalised context. 5. Timea Drinoczi and Agoston Mohay: Has the migration crisis challenged the concept of the protection of the human rights of migrants? The case of Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary. 6. Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert: European responses to the Mediterranean 'refugee crisis' and the fear of saving lives. PART II. MIGRANTS, THEIR RIGHTS AND THE LIMITS THEREOF. 7. Agnieszka Piekutowska and Elzbieta Kuzelewska: Economic refugees: an analysis of the phenomenon in the context of the EU migration crisis. 8. Chloé Brière: Defining the offence of migrant smuggling: when the migration crisis revives old debates. 9. Sibel Top: The collapse of the political offence exemption in EU extradition law: the end of political asylum?. PART III. THE STATUS QUO OF MIGRATION IN EUROPE: SELECTED NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES. 10. Lino Panzeri: The governance of the migrant crisis in Italy. 11. Magdalena Perkowska: The impact of the migration crisis on Polish immigration and criminal law. 12. Lehte Roots: The role of NGOs as partners in migration management in Estonia: a case study. 13. Halina Sierocka: Linguistic integration of adult migrants in the era of the migration crisis. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Estonia / Hungary / Italy / Poland |
30. | Chetail, Vincent : International migration law, 2019 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International migration law / Chetail, Vincent, xlvii, 449 p. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019. ISBN 978-0-19-966827-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: ORIGINS AND FOUNDATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION LAW. 1. History of international migration law. 2. Founding principles of international migration law. PART II: THE TREATY REGIMES OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION LAW. 3. Refugees. 4. Migrant workers. 5. Trafficked and smuggled migrants. PART III: SOFT LAW AND GLOBAL MIGRATION GOVERNANCE. 6. The functions and evolution of soft law in global migration. 7. The architecture of global migration governance. Concluding thoughts on the future of international migration law. INDEX WORDS: