1. | Part : 2 Law, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Part : 2 Law : legal responses, legislation, constitutional issues / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Disability, divers-ability and legal change / Jones, M.; Basser Marks, L. A. (eds.) - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 56), p. 117-250. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1999. ISBN 90-411-1086-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 8. The standard rules : a weak instrument and a strong commitment, by Dimitris Michailakis. 9. The office of the disability ombudsman in Sweden, by Inger Claesson Wästberg. 10. The European Community's response to disability, by Lisa Waddington. 11. From social (in)security to equal employment opportunities - a report from the Netherlands, by Aart Hendriks. 12. The Canadian framework for disability equality rights, by Marcia H. Rioux & Catherine L. Frazee. 13. Disability, rights and law in Australia, by Melinda Jones & Lee Ann Basser Marks. 14. From welfare to rights? Disability and legal change in the United Kingdom in the late 1990s, by Brian Doyle. 15. Toward equality : the ADA's accommodation of differences, by Arlene S. Kanter. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada / Australia / United Kingdom NOTE (GENERAL): SEA; ToA; CERD; Canadian charter of rights and freedoms; CRC; ECHR; Canadian human rights act; Standard rules on the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities; |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph PART III : ENFORCEMENT / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Non-discrimination law : comparative perspectives / Loenen, T.; Rodrigues, P.R. (eds.), p. 295-426. - Hague : Kluwer, 1999. ISBN 90-411-1063-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Regulating discrimination : advice to a legislator on problems regarding the enforcement of anti-discrimination law and strategies to overcome them, by Christopher McCrudden. 2. The social working of anti-discrimination law, by John Griffiths. 3. The Austrian Equal Treatment Commission as an instrument of equality law enforcement, by Anna Sporrer. 4. The effectiveness of Equal Treatment in employment : the human rights law of New York City, by Marta B. Varela. 5. Approaching its use-by date? National enforcement mechanisms : the case of Australia, by Sarah Pritchard. 6. Making mediation work, by Meredith Wilkie. 7. Cross-border discrimination : private international law, the denial of the holocaust and the internet, by Peter R. Rodrigues. 8. The use and abuse of statistical evidence in discrimination cases, by Kingsley R. Browne. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Sweden / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Convention concerning equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value (ILO convention no. 100); Convention concerning discrimination in respect of employment and occupation (ILO convention no. 111); CEDAW; CERD; ECHR; ICCPR; Art. 220 (EC treaty); |