1. | Lampi, Heikki : Tietoisuuteen ihmisyydestä , 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Tietoisuuteen ihmisyydestä : uskontojen historian ja siveysopin oppikirja peruskoulun 7., 8. ja 9. luokan käyttöön / Lampi, Heikki, 95 p.. - Helsinki : Kouluhallitus; Valtion painatuskeskus = Statens tryckericentral = Government printing centre, 1984. ISBN 951 859 531 1 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Pääpiirteet joihin oppilaan tulee oppikirjan avulla perehtyä ovat: maailman- katsomus yleisesti, maailmankatsomuksen ulottovuuksia ja perustyypit, poliittinen ja uskonnollinen maailmankatsomus, moraalisen toiminnan peruskäsitteet sekä uskonnon ja etiikan välinen yhteys. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
2. | Pentikäinen, Juha; Anttonen, Veikko : Religio-cultural minorities, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Religio-cultural minorities / Pentikäinen, Juha; Anttonen, Veikko REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Cultural minorities in Finland / Pentikäinen, J.; Anttonen, V.; (eds.). - p. 20-30 - (Publications of the Finnish Commission for Unesco ; No. 32) - Helsinki : Finnish National Commission for Unesco, 1985 . - ISSN 0357-1106 ISBN 951 46 8835x LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The religio-cultural minorities are distinct from others in that they have an ethnic national background and their appearance on the Finnish religions map is due to cultural contact. The Karelians, the Jews and the Tatar minority are examined INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
3. | Hiebel, Jean-Luc : Assistance spirituelle et conflits armes , 1980 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Assistance spirituelle et conflits armes : droit humain / Hiebel, Jean-Luc - ( Collection scientifique de l´Institut Henry-Dunant), 462 p.. - Geneve : Institut Henry-Dunant, 1980. ISBN 2 88044 033 3 LANGUAGE: FRE ABSTRACT: L'auteur a choisi l'expression "assistance spirituelle" pour definir l'identite des pratique de guerre. C'est-a-dire qu'il lui semble que dans la guerre la vie spirituelle se libere des regles habituelles alors qu'en meme temps apparaissent des normes generales qui néexistaient pas pour le temps de paix. Le terme renvoie aussi a la realite des souffrances entrainees par la guere. Mettant en evidence la parente profonde entre léassistance intellectuelle, spirituelle et religieuse léauteur se demande dans son investigation juridique comment léassistance spirituelle est-elle devenue matiere du droit international, comment ce droit a evolue au cours de son developpement et quel est le visage et quels sont les perspectives de léassistance spirituelle dans un droit humain. INDEX WORDS:
4. | Laitin, David D. : Hegemony and religious conflict , 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Hegemony and religious conflict : British imperial control and political cleavages in Yourbaland / Laitin, David D. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Bringing the state back in / Evans, P.; Rueschemeyer, D.; Skocpal, T.(eds.), p.285-316. - Cambridge : Cambridge U.P.(D), 1987. ISBN 0 521 31313 9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: In this essay, the yorouba, a nationality of 10 million people, dominating the political scene in the five states of southwestern Nigeria, are examined with the focus on religious differentiation and the relation or non-relation between religion and political activity.The author examines the historical background, two competing cleavages: ancestral city and religion, explains the religious toleration, discusses the problem of persistence and looks upon colonial hegemonic control in a comparative perspective. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nigeria : 5548 |
5. | Lee, Luke T. : The UN group of governmental experts on international co-operation to avert new flows of refugees , 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The UN group of governmental experts on international co-operation to avert new flows of refugees : part II / Lee, Luke T. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 81., p. 442-444. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1987. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
6. | Buquicchio-de Boer, Maud : Children and the European Convention on Human Rights ; a survey case-law of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Children and the European Convention on Human Rights ; a survey case-law of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights / Buquicchio-de Boer, Maud REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 73-89. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-1;-5;-9;-10;-14; ECHR-1-2 |
7. | Hammar, Tomas : Democracy and the nation state , 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Democracy and the nation state : aliens, denizens and citizens in a world of international migration / Hammar, Tomas, 226 p.. - Adlershot : Avebury, 1990. ISBN 0 566 0 7100 2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
8. | Meron, Theodor : Human rights in internal strife, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in internal strife : their international protection / Meron, Theodor. - 172 p. - (Hersch Lauterpackt Memeorial Lecture Series / University ; No. 5) - Cambridge : Grotius publications limited, 1987. ISBN 0 949009 04 0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; UN Charter; Geneva Conventions; ICCPR |
9. | Kamil, Adb-al-Aziz Abd-al-Qadir : Islam and the race question, 1970 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Islam and the race question / Kamil, Adb-al-Aziz Abd-al-Qadir, 65p.. - Paris : Unesco, 1970. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
10. | Saballos, Edwin : Los conservadores tienen el protagonismo, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Los conservadores tienen el protagonismo / Saballos, Edwin REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Pensamiento propio : 61., p. 54-56. - Managua, 1989. LANGUAGE: SPA INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nicaragua / Central America / Latin America : 6245 / 6200 LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: countries |
11. | Young, Nicholas : Monsenor Bosco Vivas - Los vericuetos de una relacion, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Monsenor Bosco Vivas - Los vericuetos de una relacion / Young, Nicholas REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Pensamiento propio : 61., p. 51-53. - Managua, 1989. LANGUAGE: SPA INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nicaragua / Central America / Latin America : 6245 / 6200 LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: countries |
12. | Dubois, Alfonso : La iglesia en Nicaragua - El proyecto tras el Cardenal - El gobierno ha utilizado tacticamente el dialogo con la iglesia (entr. Bismark Carballo), 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial La iglesia en Nicaragua - El proyecto tras el Cardenal - El gobierno ha utilizado tacticamente el dialogo con la iglesia (entr. Bismark Carballo) / Dubois, Alfonso REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Pensamiento propio : 31. - Managua : INVIES, CRIES, 1986. LANGUAGE: SPA INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nicaragua / Central America / Latin America : 6245 / 6200 LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: countries |
13. | Mazrui, Ali A. : Human rights and the moving frontier of world culture, 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Human rights and the moving frontier of world culture / Mazrui, Ali A. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Philosophical foundations of human rights / Diemer, A. ...[et al.]. - p. 243-265 - Paris : UNESCO, 1986. ISBN 92 3 102201 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
14. | Sinaceur, Mohammed Allal : Islamic tradition and human rights, 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Islamic tradition and human rights / Sinaceur, Mohammed Allal REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Philosophical foundations of human rights / Diemer, A. ...[et al.]. - p. 193-225 - Paris : UNESCO, 1986. ISBN 92 3 102201 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
15. | Kunst, Hermann : Freiheit und Rechtsordnung : eine Betrachtung zu Gal.5,13-26., 1974 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Freiheit und Rechtsordnung : eine Betrachtung zu Gal.5,13-26. / Kunst, Hermann REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Menschenrechte und freiheitliche Rechtsordnung : Festschrift fur Willi Geiger zum 65. Geburtstag.. - p. 377-399 - Tubingen : J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1974. ISBN 3 16 636162 6 LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
16. | Lindgren, Göran (ed.) : Third world dimensions in conflict resolutions , 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Third world dimensions in conflict resolutions : report from the 1989 advanced international programme : conflict resolution : contributions / Lindgren, Göran (ed.) ; Wallensteen, Peter, 323 p.. - Uppsala : Department of peace and conflict, 1989. ISBN 91 506 0769 3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: South East Asia / Uganda / East Africa : 7500 / 5263 |
17. | Greenberg, Jack : Race, sex and religions discriminations in international law., 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Race, sex and religions discriminations in international law. / Greenberg, Jack REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Human rights in international law : legal and policy issues / Meron, T. (ed.), p. 307-343. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1984. ISBN 0198254881 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICESCR; ICCPR; the international convention on the Elimination of all formsof Racial discrimination (CERD); Convention on the Elimination of allforms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); Declaration on theElimination off all forms of intolerance and of Discrimination Based onReligion or Belief; UDHR; UN charter. |
18. | Human rights in islam , 1982 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in islam : report of a seminar held in Kuwait, December 1980 / ; org. by the International Commission of Jurists ; University of Kuwait and Union of Arab Lawyers, 93 p.. - Geneva : Imternational Commission of Jurists, 1982. ISBN 92 4037 014 9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Brohi, A.K.: Nature of Islamic Law and the Concept of Human Rights / El Naggar, Abdul: Economic freedom and the eguity in taxation in islam / Nagvi, Syed Nawab Haider: Economics of human rights : an islamic perspective / Karanshawy, Hatem A.S.: Development, property and distribution of wealth / Ashraf, Syed Ali: Education: islamic consepts and modern society / El Said, Sadek: The right to work and the right to life in islam / Bagader, Abu Bakr A.: muslim minorities and human rights / Saysal, Mümtaz: Freedom of opinion, expression and association / Jaydan, Abdul Karim: Treatment at non-moslem minorities and foreigners in islamic law / Al-Saleh, Othman Abdul Malek: The right to individual security in islam / El Nahi, Salah Eddin: Human rights and judicial safeguards in islam / Kayali, Ihsam: personal security and the rights of defence / Hamid, Ali Abdul Murem Abdul: The position and the role of women in islam / Dawalibi, Ma'rouf: The status of women in islam / Shakardri, Shahzanan: The legal status of women in islam. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Middle East / South Asia / Senegal : 7300 / 7400 NOTE (MEETINGS): Report of a seminar held in Kuwait by International Commission of Jurists, University of Kuwait and Union of Arab Lawyers, (198012),(C). LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR |
19. | Rudman, Mara : The space between two worlds, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The space between two worlds : human rights work in the occupied territories / Rudman, Mara REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Harward Human Rights Yearbook : no. 1 / Panner, Morris; O'Farrel, William J. (eds.), p. 299-209. - Cambridge : Harward Law School, 1988. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
20. | Alexeyeva, Ludmilla : U. S broadcasting to the Soviet Union, 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph U. S broadcasting to the Soviet Union / Alexeyeva, Ludmilla ; Helsinki Watch, 3, 136 p.. - New York, 1986. ISBN 0 938 579 87 8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
21. | Janis, Mark W.(ed.) : The influence of religion on the development of international law, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The influence of religion on the development of international law / Janis, Mark W.(ed.), 12, 268 p.. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1991. ISBN 0 7923 0939 1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; Hague conventions; Geneva conventions; Genocide convention; ECHR; CEDAW; ICCPR; |
22. | Berting, J. (ed.) : Human rights in a pluralist world, 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in a pluralist world : individuals and collectivities / Berting, J. (ed.), 9, 266 p.. - London : Meckler, 1990. ISBN 0 88736 521 3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Based on two international conferences on human rights: the Netherlands, Maastricht, (19870918), (c); the Netherlands, Middelburg, (19880601), (c) |
23. | Hennelly, Alfred (ed.) : Human rights in the Americas, 1982 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in the Americas : the struggle for consensus / Hennelly, Alfred (ed.) ; Langan, S.J. ; Langan, John, 13, 291 p.. - Washington D.C. : Georgetown U.P., 1982. ISBN 0 87840 400 7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
24. | Länder i fickformat 500-513 (Sverige, Norge, Finland, Danmark, Island, Sovjetunionen, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Tjeckoslovakien, Ungern, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Jugoslavien, Albanien, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Länder i fickformat 500-513 (Sverige, Norge, Finland, Danmark, Island, Sovjetunionen, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Tjeckoslovakien, Ungern, Bulgarien, Rumänien, Jugoslavien, Albanien /, var. pag.. - Stockholm : Utrikespolitiska Institutet = The Swedish institute of international affairs, 1991. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Albania / Norway / Finland / Denmark / Iceland / USSR / Baltic Republics / Poland / Czechoslovakia / Hungary / Romania / Yugoslavia / Bulgaria / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Sweden |
25. | Cashmore, E.E. : The Rastafarians, 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Rastafarians / Cashmore, E.E. - (MRG report ; No. 64), 11 p.. - London : Minority Rights Group, 1984. ISBN 0 946690 16 2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
26. | Nahaylo, Bohdan : The Ukrainians and Georgians, 1982 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Ukrainians and Georgians / Nahaylo, Bohdan ; Peters, C. J. - (MRG report ; No. 50), 20 p.. - London : Minority Rights Group, 1982. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic / USSR : 8149 |
27. | McDowall, David : The Kurds, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Kurds / McDowall, David - (MRG report), 48 p.. - London : Minority Rights Group, 1991. ISBN 0 946690 92 8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Iraq / Turkey / Iran : 7328 |
28. | Livezey, Lowell W. : US religious organizations and the International Human Rights Movement, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial US religious organizations and the International Human Rights Movement / Livezey, Lowell W. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law : No. 11(1)., p. 14-81. - Baltimore, Maryland : The John Hopkins U.P., 1989. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: South America / Central America / Latin America : 6400 / 6200 |
29. | Slack, Alison T. : Female circumcision, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Female circumcision : a critical appraisal / Slack, Alison T. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law : No. 10(4)., p. 437-486. - Baltimore, Maryland : The John Hopkins U.P., 1988. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
30. | Boven, Theo, van : Advances and obstacles in building understanding and respect between people of diverse religions and beliefs, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Advances and obstacles in building understanding and respect between people of diverse religions and beliefs / Boven, Theo, van ; Boyle, Kevin REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law : No. 13(4)., p. 437-452. - Baltimore, Maryland : The John Hopkins U.P., 1991. - ISSN 0275-0392 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief;CRC; |